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    I love that I keep reviewing fast food chances, but when they need a review, they need a review.

    I feel like a lot of places get a bad reputation for being fast food restaurants. Yes, this is not a meal if you want to watch your figure, but if you're like me and like some crispy chicken fingers after a long night of binge drinking then why not?

    The store was CLEAN. One of my biggest issues with places like this is that I feel like I'm eating in the middle of one of those annoying Fabreeze commercials. I immediately was impressed by the store when I walked in.

    Everyone was friendly. FRIENDLY. I was worried at first, like, "is this a joke?" Are you being nice because you're spitting in my food? Nope. Legit nice. Shocking, yes. Refreshing, definitely.

    It's nice to be able to go to someplace lowbrow and be treated with respect, a warm meal and smile. And I mean, c'mon, the chicken is amazing.

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