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    Where do I begin. This is a dark, seedy hole in the wall. I'm pretty sure I was the only person under 40 but I didn't care. So we put a few bucks in the jukebox, picked some great songs and had a blast as we threw back cheap drinks and have some laughs. I must say the bathroom was surprisingly tolerable. There were a couple pool tables and what appeared to be a karaoke machine, though no one was singing on a Sunday night. Akshully, not true. We sang along with the jukebox. Kinda forgot about that... until now...

    What else do you find in a hole in the wall? Creepy old men. The wander over with their salt and pepper balls and cradle robbing tendencies. Maybe if I had a few more decades added to my age but that certainly doesn't stop them from hitting on you. Please don't put your arm around me. I just want to down my gin and tonics engrossed in girl talk. DO NOT WANT kthxbai!

    That's when someone in our group got hungry. There were some chips behind the counter she was eyeing. Then the bartender chimed in and said "we have pizza! And its good too!" I was astonished. I saw no menus. I saw no kitchen. I didn't even see silverware wraps. Just lots of liquor. He dashes into the back and reappears with a smaller and a larger plastic wrapped disc. Frozen pizzas. I giggled on the inside a bit. Regardless, she gets a small one. I can picture him in the back throwing it into a toaster oven. At least it wasn't a microwaved Mama Celeste. Served on fine china from far off places (the cardboard packaging), she eats it and I wouldn't expect it any other way.

    This is def one of those places you are torn as to how many stars to give but I couldn't help but award them 5 just because it was such an awesome night, the bartender was cool enough and the place seemed to fit the mood perfectly. Just watch out for those balls...

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