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    Tony G's is a good local's bar.  I've only had the wings here and they're decent.  They get a decent crowd most nights so parking can be an issue as there are only seven spots available in the rear of the restaurant.  However, you can park across the street in a business lot, just make sure you don't leave your car there overnight.

    The bar only has four taps; Budweiser, Heineken, Blue Moon, and Coors Light.  They also offer about a dozen bottles with the darkest beer being Yuengling.  There is a full bar but it's mostly comprised of vodka.  The wine selection is a little slim but not as slim as their whiskey lineup.

    The dining area is clean and the bar top is granite with over a dozen stools.  There are six televisions and they are always tuned into sporting events.  Two dart boards are available for use but no pool tables.  If you're looking for pizza, then your best bet is to go to a pizzeria.

    It's a friendly crowd...

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    Great local bar. Good pizza and wings. Buffalo pizza is outstanding. Def give it a try.

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    Good little local spot with decent priced drinks and subpar "old judge" bar pie.

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    Great wings, decent sized bar.  They have great bar pies here, you can get a few different types.  I had mine with Cherry Peppers excellent.

    Great place to catch a few games and have a some eats.  You beer and shot kind of place, with exceptional food.

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