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    I was impressed by the look and the feel inside Zen Den, a small-ish (in the cozy sense) bar and dancing area with a nice lounge in the back, DJ playing a nice mix of Top 40 and a good amount of Latin music. Drinks were reasonably priced but the whole experience falls apart at the bar.

    I went here on a Thursday night, and was floored by how terrible the bartenders were. There were two of them working, and I would say the place was just minorly crowded. It literally took about 10-15 minutes for the bartender to even ask me what I wanted (A beer and a simple mixed drink). He then proceeded to walk away inbetween each step of service... giving me the beer, putting ice in my glass, pouring my liquor, and then the mixer. Then when he was done, I waited a bit longer for him to allow me to pay.

    I was also surrounded by a group of others who were just standing around trying to close out their tabs (a process which involves the bartender giving the card to their manager who takes it back into the kitchen to run the card... which I'm sorry but is completely inefficient and takes too long and just looks shady).

    I left after my second drink because I could have fermented the vodka myself before getting served a third time. It's a shame because the space is well done and the music was, in my opinion, really good.

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