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    I went to Viva for the first time last night for a friend's birthday (only 5 bucks cover charge, mandatory coat-check) -- upon entrance, I was quite shocked at the chic decor & the huuuge space, all set up very nicely with brown, cushiony couches and tables -- the reserved spaces for groups are kinda cool too, adding bit of privacy, mystery & a little oomph!

    limitless FREE appletinis & cosmos for the ladies until 12 -- beware, they creep up on you after you chug on the 5th one so the bartenders hook you up good with the liquor content! bottle service is quite cheap too compared to all the rip-offs you'll experience in the city.. & ofcourse, MUSIC is popping -- great mix of hip hop, reggae, reggaeton, top 40, chutney & soca -- you know the club in on fiiire when the DJ spins little of 90s hip hop!

    They also serve hookah -- outrageous prices though! & if you want to pay for it seperately, the waiter said she doesn't accept cards but ONLY cash!! umm what? come again? all that crap was super weird. i also had to remind our waiter 5 times to change the coal. you can never expect A-level service anywhere, anymore.

    & that was only one of the gripes i had for a lounge that got super packed, super fast. check it out if you live in queens & need a spot to party without travelling all the way to astoria or the city.

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