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    I just love the small Waffle Steak places. The waffles are the beat in the world.  $6 steak and eggs is a bargain, and the atmosphere can't be beat.

    The only downside is the booths are made for people who weigh about 75 pounds.  Anyone who eats at a Waffle Steak on a regular basis would find the seating a bit tight!!!

    Squeeze yourself in, load up on cheap food, and then hit the YMCA so you can fit in the booth on your next visit!

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    "Knights, Squires, LEND ME YOUR ARMS!" the cook shouted from the front of the griddle.  He banged the top of his stove with his spatula before raising it over his head.  "I bring you, EXCALIBUR!"

    "HUSH Henry!" shouted the large black waitress as she pulled herself around the counter.  "Hon, what would you like?"

    "A cup of coffee and an order of hash browns smothered tossed and chopped." I said.  

    "And you, sugar?" she said, turning to my brother.

    "Uh..a waffle, two eggs scrambled, and a cup of decaf, please."  my brother replied.

    The two of us had a deal.  If one of us had to go on a trip, we would have to pay for dinner for the other.  My brother was on his way to New York, and since it was 3 AM, he chose Waffle and Steak.

    "KNIGHTS, SQUIRES!" shouted the man at the griddle again.  "LEND ME YOUR ARMOR!  LEND ME YOUR SHIELDS!  WE FIGHT FOR CAMELOT!"  He banged his spatula on the griddle as he cracked two eggs.  The waitress shook her head.

    Aside from the awesome show of craziness, Waffle and Steak (know as Waffle House in the south) is just your typical roadside diner.  Greasy food, saucy waitresses, truck drivers, and road trippers.  The coffee is hit or miss, but the hash browns are amazing.  Expect to be called "Hon" "Suga" or "Darlin" if you come here, regardless of your gender.

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