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    My wife (fiance at the time) and I wanted to get some dance lessons for our wedding day.

    I searched online, and found a few different places around town. Since neither of us have much experience dancing, other doing the robot, we wanted to find something affordable while still teaching us as much as possible.

    I'll also mention: Apparently there's an online scam these days where people set up fake dance studios, collect payment for dance lessons before hand, and then people find out they've been ripped off when they show up and it's an entirely different business.

    Thankfully, We Dance Nashville is nothing at all like that. We worked with Lisa, who was very professional, and a very good teacher. She was very patient (which is good for me), and provides the right kind of "tips" to help you correct your mistakes.

    They were very accommodating with people's schedules (which is important, since we could only meet her in the evenings).

    They also have group classes, which we never tried out, but I'm sure it'd be lots of fun.

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