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    Staff swere very rude and awdwark. Me and my friend came late at night because their price were the cheapest. Is wasnt worthy they didnt have a well balance selection of songs. I accidently broke a glass and that must had impact the staff outside because he came in with an air conditioner's remote and ask if we needed to turn on the AC. Then he faked it and said oh what happened to the glass you guys have to pay for it!! i was stunned is not like i was going to hide the fact that i broke it anyways, plus it was the middle of winter, who would turn on the AC? He was so stupid to faked it, should have just ask if everything was okay. We left after an hour of singing. I would never come back to this place again.

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    This ktv place isn't clean. It's very dirty and the songs are old and not updated and overly over priced!!!

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    This KTV started to serve alcohol later this month that including beers, wines and liquor. They also updated their music system adding more songs for you to choice. It is a nice place to go in general.

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    Definitely worth visiting! They updated to a new computer system for the music and the songs are definitely way more up to date than the previous reviews have let on.

    The service is prompt and the quality is good.  You basically get to consume up to the amount that you pay for your room.  Great hot wings and the bubble tea is pretty decent, hahaha.  And for me, this place is even better because it's much cleaner than other places I've gone to.

    Definitely worth the value, and I'd say even better than what you pay for.

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    It's cheap, but is it worth it? The answer is probably no. Besides the fact that they only have Chinese oldies and that complimentary chips are charged whether you eat it or not is indication that this is a failing business. Why is it still alive? Probably because their day job is actually a book store.

    I don't listen to Chinese oldies (and by oldies, I mean 80s). After my insistence to leave, we found out that other places are open for the same price with better song selection.

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    Not somewhere I would go again.

    My friends and I (a group of four) were enticed by the cheap per hour deal ($24 for a small room), but what we got was not even worth that! The seats were comfy and the room was a spacious one for us, but the karaoke system was OLD! They have some new songs, but otherwise, it's mostly Chinese songs. The remotes were in Chinese also, which was very confusing. We only got by because one of us knew how to read Chinese. There was also a lot of feedback in the microphones even after they "adjusted" it.

    They offer a similar deal to Monster KTV, order food up to the value of the room and it's free. We didn't take advantage of that but they did include three small bags of chips. They expected a service charge, however, even though we didn't order anything.

    All in all, not somewhere I would visit again nor recommend.

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    It's a nice world ktv but terrible services ,unfriendly worker here
    If they improve their room service I might be go back for fun

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