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    This was our first experience at Yates since it changed names from the other sports bar that was here. The food was terrible besides the chile which was good, but over priced for the tiny serving you got. My husbands wings were the strangest looking wings I've ever seen and so over cooked he could hardly eat them. They were the worst wings we've ever had and that's sad since it is a staple at a sports bar. My turkey BLT was awful too. The turkey looked like packaged lunch meat that had been in the refrigerator too long and it had no taste. It is sad that the food is so bad because it would have been nice to have another restaurant to go to in the Johns Creek neighborhood. We will be going to Jersey Boys next door from now on.

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    Well let me be the first person who has more than zero other reviews to talk about this place. The food is every bit as bad as the places that failed before that. Okay TV setup but they serve beer and have one commode? God forbid the mediocre food causes somebody to have to use the bathroom for a few minutes. The rest of us are shit out of luck, so to speak.

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    I'm so glad I found a local restaurant that knows how to make a hamburger. I just moved to the area and I've been looking around for a close place to get a good meal. I'm not a burger snob or anything, but it pains me to get an overcooked puck at places that don't have a good cook.

    Yates gets it right.

    I ordered the Black and Blue, and was shocked with how flavorful it was. Most places forget to use salt and pepper, but it was seasoned perfectly, and there was just enough bleu on it to taste.

    I have found my weekly burger joint.

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