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    False advertising.  I wanted to watch a sports game.  Went to this bar that calls itself a sport cafe.  Maybe they mean "be a good sport when we suck as to providing sports".  Yeah, 3 tvs, all tuned to the same European soccer game.  When I asked if they could turn one channel to a local sports teams' playoff game, they said no.  Then when people left so that there was literally nobody watching any of the tvs, I asked again.  This time they told me to wait.  20 minutes later and multiple requests by me, they still couldn't be bothered to turn the f---- ing channel, so I left.  

    I'll consider going back and raising their rating when they change their name to Zeke Cafe - they have no right to the Sport.

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    Now I've been too hookah cafés all around dc... This 1 is by far the best... Not the cheapest, and they don't sell alcohol but it's sooo chill never crowded good food and they have Pink Shisha... I love this flavor bc it's girly!! Lol it's not hard u don't get a major buzz and it's bomb... Enuff said!!! Come w/ ur best Ethiopian accent and order the avocado hummus pita... U won't b disappointed :))

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    Zeke is delightful hookah café with flavorful shisha including unique StarBuzz blends like Pirate's Cove, Sex on the Beach, and Fuzzy Lemon (my favorite). I'm definitely not a shisha aficionado, but I can tell you that the quality of shisha here is ten times better than any other place I've been to in the District. My first thought upon entering Zeke is 'Wow, this is the cleanest hookah place I've ever seen!'  It has a very cozy and unassuming vibe with a few sofas, chairs, and a couple big screens, generally playing soccer. The clientele are mostly regulars and the staff is very friendly and was welcoming to us newbies.  Like most traditional hookah lounges, I don't think they serve alcohol. But they have tea, hair-raisingly strong espresso, and a few nibblers. I look forward to returning there soon.

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