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    I went in this tour at 930 last night, because one of my friends invited me. At first I was like psssst this might be horribly bad and campy, but surprisingly even though the fellow doing the tour was like totally new, he did an amazing job. This is by far one of the best ghost story telling tours I have been in a while. The stories were compelling and original, and I can say that because I have been in  other ghost tours in this town, from haunted pub crawls to hearses. I think his name was Jason...tall blond fellow, and he mentioned something about this company starting a midnight tour this Friday which I found intriguing, because what is spookier, than spooky stories at the witching hour in a day of a full moon. So, I definitely, have to check that out sometime in the future, since sadly I  will not be in town Friday. So, overall, I just felt the need to share this , that there is new original ghost stories in town and they will be in a midnight tour which is fascinating and spooky from the so call most haunted city in the south. So, if you are a ghost tour aficianado just like me, I totally recommend this tour.

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    Not a good value for the money.  Had Christopher as a guide and he believed everything he said, but kind of hokey.

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    The pace of the tour is too slow because the stories are too long.  After an hour, we had only visited two locations.  

    I do not recommend this tour.

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    We took our Sixth sense ghost tour on a Friday night. Our tour guide, Donna seems to enjoy her job and tells great historical stories based on fact.  Visit the Mercer- Williams house (Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil fame) , the Tomas Owens house, Dr Corson's Hous, an old sanitarium / yellow fever hospital, and other great stops with great stories.  Great tour!  $26 a person 2- 2.25 hour walking tour.

    This tour meets at world Famous Clary's restaurant in the historic district

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    Don't waste time with these tours.  We actually abandon the tour just before the last stop because we were bored.  The stories could have been good but everything about the tour needs reworked.  The stops are long and the delivery was slow and repetitive.  Where more facts were needed, less were offered. Where your imagination could do most of the work, the guide provides information that is meaningless.  Stick with the historical tours.

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    Balderdash! Complete and utter Balderdash! However, our tour guide Nick, was a wonderful storyteller.  At the very least the tour was fun for our party of 11.  We took the 9:30 PM tour which I think helped add to the "Ghostly" feel of it all.

    Keep in mind it is a walking tour, and even though you don't go very far, you are walking or standing most of the time and toward the end of your two hour tour the Ghost Stories might seem to be going on a bit.  Many of the places you are near have benches, so I recommend availing yourself of these rest stops.

    The two hour length also probably makes it a bit long for kids, and since there isn't much for them to interact with, parents will probably not enjoy it because at some point they will have to start dealing with them.

    If you are looking for them to have someone hiding along the way to pop out and go BOO and scare you, this isn't the tour.

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    My mother and I did the Bonaventure Cemetery Tour during a recent trip to Savannah.  Shannon was amazing!!  We did a couple of other tours while in town, and this was far and away the best.  It was a walking tour and lasted about 3 hours...highlight of our trip!

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    okay, all these reviews are fake so i'mma come at y'all with a real review. All they did was walk us around downtown and talk about this shit is haunted and blah blah blah. I ain't even seen no ghosts. And nick tried to hit on me and I was all like "nah, brah" cause I'm into girls, you know?

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    My girlfriend and I went on this tour in May 2010. We had gone to Savannah primarily for the history and hauntings. We had been on several different tours, both historical and paranormal in nature, prior to going on the midnight tour.

    I do not remember the actual name of our guide, but he was an excellent storyteller and did an excellent job of presenting the stories. Overall, we enjoyed it a lot.

    Now, when we were travelling back home, we researched the stories we were told and found that for the most part they were complete fabrications. However, they were told so well, we still enjoyed the tour and it only slightly affected our overall opinion.

    So if you are looking for an entertaining and spooky tour, I would recommend it. If you are looking for something entirely factual, this tour is not for you.

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    Thank god Savannah allows open containers, because booze made this tour a little more bearable. Now let me clear the air by saying that I'm not so much a ghost believer. I don't watch the shows, I'm not very superstitious--but I spent much of my childhood scaring the shit out of myself by going to graveyards at night, watching scary movies and convincing myself that there was indeed a bump outside my bedroom door.

    Fast forward 15 years and I still love scary movies and the idea of the supernatural, but it must take more to scare me. While the stories told by Sixth Sense Savannah are interesting and historical (stories about the Mercer House actually being evil were fascinating), but the tour lacked a real fear-inducing environment. The tour is outdoors--you never actually enter any of the buildings you visit--and Savannah can be a busy city so there are cars driving by, tourists walking through the squares, etc.

    My vote is skip it and instead head to Moon River Brewery, get yourself a beer (or three), head to the second floor and try to commune with the dead.

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    I have had two wildly different experiences with Sixth Sense Savannah.

    Our first tour (A thursday night in April) , the Ghost Tour, was hands-down one of the best ghost tours I've been on. The stories were captivating, even for someone like me who has never read or seen Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, but by far the best part of our tour was the tour guide. He was polite, funny, knowledgeable, and a superb storyteller. My mom and I still recall the stories told that night.

    On our second trip to Savannah several months later, we decided to go on their Bonaventure Cemetery Tour. Big, big mistake. Our tour guide (different from last time), Chris, was terrible. As a person before me said, everything that came out of his mouth was verbal diarrhea. Barely anything was said about the gravestones or the people buried in them, but he decided to point out the same features on various gravestones in between slightly-offensive comments about our hometown and name-dropping. Whenever we had asked a question, he would mutter something along the lines of "I don't know". The thing that bothers me the most, though, is how he thoughtlessly put his feet and even sat on the graves. One site with a statue of a woman took a turn for the creepy when he even started petting it as if he was flirting with it.
    Overall, I will never go on another Sixth Sense tour as long as Chris is there.

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    Boring. Story. Not strenuous. Lame. Failed compared to others. It was not a ghost tour, but more a paranormal tour.  The guy was more into telling his own stories and name-dropping than discussing hauntings.

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    I did this years ago- when I was only 19 years old. 2007; September. I had just come off a horrid break up and was delving into traveling and stretching my arms to new experiences...

    This was so interesting, informative.. the weather was moist and humid, the stories told by Shannon were so descriptive- it at times caused shivers down my spine.

    I'll never forget my Ghost Tour in Savannah.

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    Prior to my Savannah arrival, I prearranged a Ghost Tour for myself and six clients. The online reservation and confirmation was seamless.

    It was a chilly January night when we went on the tour. Note that this is a walking tour of the downtown Savannah neighborhoods. Dress warm and wear comfy shoes.

    The walking tour itself was nice. I love the historical homes and the charming feel of the city. The guide was informative, but the ghost tales were sooooooooooooo boring. If you are expecting to explore creepy old houses with flashlights (I wish!!) then this is not the tour for you. The guide told some modern day tales and a handful of historical ones. All in all I was not entertained. (( Is it over yet??))

    The highlight of the tour was a walk through of a local cemetery and a stop at Parker's Market Urban Gourmet. My crew and I actually split from the tour early so we could catch the ferry back to the hotel.

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    The tour offered by Sixth Sense Savannah was very cool. If you do a tour, I recommend a walking tour, as it will give you the best persepctive and plenty of time to look and listen, rather than zipping by on a trolly. Sixth Sense was very original and I did not feel like a tourist, even though I was. Our tour guide  had an awesome story-telling talent. It did not seem to me that any of the storied were made up at all, as they were highly publicized events (John Mercer) or storied from his friends and other locals. He offered a great sense of history, paranormal activity, anf a twist of humor. Next time, maybe we will do the tour offered by him at Bonaventure Cemetary.

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    We went on this tour when family came to town. We did some research online and didn't want to do anything hokey where they pay people to jump out of the bushes and scare you. I would really call this more of a historical tour than a ghost tour. It just so happens the history they cover has to do with paranormal activity and ghosts. Our guide really knew his stuff right down to the architectual details of the various buildings we went to go see.

    This tour is heavy on the walking, so if you can't walk for long distances, I suggest you take a trolley tour. Also, if you have no patience for storytelling, you might want to take one of the other tours that move along at a quicker pace.

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    When searching for tour companies while in Savannah i was impressed by the image of sixth sense, like the other yelpers said, they were less hokey. The tour I went on was great, my guide Chris was animated and funny. His stories were detailed and personal--I wanted to know more about the haunted sites he had brought us to. However, after arriving home in Boston and doing some research on the particular site I was most interested in (432 Abercorn) it became apparent that he had fabricated everything. It seems as though the house which he had claimed had been the site of torture, gruesome murders and at one point was home to members of the church of satan was simply a beautiful old home under renovation. I'm only a little upset as I went into this with a higher expectations than i would have with other tours as they claimed to be paranormal investigators-what a crock of shit. The only title this guy can claim is storyteller. I want my $18 back!

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    Excellent tour. It didn't feel too touristy -- no costumes or anything like that. It was just a guy walking us around telling us his and his friend's personal experiences with ghosts. The best story was the Lathla one. They have multiple routes, so it will be different each night.

    Bring a couple extra dollars - they give you a chance to stop and by snacks, beverages, etc along the way.

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