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    great lunch specials

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    Great food, fantastic burgers and cheap ice cold beer.  What is left to say?  Don't miss Thursday nights 1/2 price wings. Be prepared for a packed house though.   Personally I love their salads with the Asian dressing.   Most of my friends love the freshly made potato chips.   The service is not what it once was or this could have been a 5 star.   The food is inexpensive and good.

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    The food at Box Seat is consistent.  Typically you can get in and out within an hour and your food will be made fresh.

    This is the typical sports bar, several TVs, bar in the center of the restaurant with numerous booths lining the restaurant and high top tables in between.

    They serve everything from wings and beer to club sandwiches and grilled chicken.  I usually get the homemade chips with some type of chicken sandwich.

    One thing that I like about this place is that they are honest and nice.  I went in with a friend of mine and he left his cell phone on the table.  When we left, a napkin was covering it so we left it there.  The phone was left around 1pm and we realized around 8pm that it was gone.  Called Box Seat and they had the phone and said that I could come and get it tonight or tomorrow.  They placed it in a secure area and when i arrived there was no hassle at all.  For this very reason alone, I will return!

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    Been back a couple of times for lunch, and explored further on the menu - at least far enough to find the burger with chili and slaw (I'm stuck on this thing; it is fantastic!)  The service has ranged from okay to great, depending on which server we get.  

    The atmosphere is sort of neighborhood bar meets dive bar.  Not pretentious at all, but comfortable.

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