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    STAY AWAY!! I've been to this place a couple of times, decided to give it one more shot. I ended up with food poisoning. Couldn't leave the bathroom all day the next day. Aside from making me the most sick I've ever been in my whole life, the food is mediocre at best. I've had better cafeteria food back in high school. The staff could care less about the place, the tables are always dirty and even during slow periods they just let the plates pile up on your table. They have containers of Sriracha sauce that look like a health hazard. This place needs a health inspector on site ASAP. It's not worth even eating her for free, my recommendation is dont even do it to yourself.

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    Huge variety of food but all of it was cold! Disgusting. I would never go back to the place! Waste of money.

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    Yeah. No. Not good.

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    I'm personally not a fan of buffets (unless in Vegas), but my dad is a fan anywhere. So we stopped in here once. My favorite thing was the sting beans...yummmy!! When I eat a chinese buffet I try and stick to the veggies and fruits. I don't know but I get scared of the meat since I have a sensitive tummy. I DEF stay away from sushi in these joints it never looks to have quite the right coloring. I really really really wanted some crab legs, but the heffers before me ate ALL of them..jerks!! People need to learn how to share. I saw someone with a plate piled high of just crab legs. Save me some dammit!!

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    Typical Chinese buffet, but with a larger selection of crap.  The place is FILTHY and your arms stick to the tables.   There are bottles of hot sauce that you need a hazmat suit to touch.  There are nothing but shitbags with tons of rowdy screaming kids eating here.  The worst part are the people who stand in line for the crab legs... as soon as the tray comes out the first person in line takes the entire thing.    

    Food is meh.... it's edible, but I wouldn't call it good by any stretch.  We gave it two tries and will never go back again.

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    Lunch buffet is $7.99 M-TH
    I went here back in December and ate like I never saw food before.  The rest of that night I clutched my stomach in agony.  Was it something at the buffet?
    Not sure, but when I decided to return I purposefully avoided the sushi.  I just wasn't sure if I could trust it.

    So, what do they have here?
    Lots of meat.
    This is probably how they draw in a steady stream of customers.  I was happy to see all the tropical fruits they had out.  Mango, papaya, cantaloupe, honeydew, sliced oranges and pineapple (although I'm pretty sure this one was from a can).
    There's a few veggies out there.  The spring rolls just have cabbage in them.   There's even some pico de gallo out, but I'm never sure what to put it on.
    As I mentioned there is sushi, at least one roll is vegetarian.  There's plenty of things on the menu that are "American" food.  Drinks come from a fountain, but there is also tea and coffee.  There are about 6 desserts along with soft serve.
    While its a little difficult to find all vegan/vegetarian fare here I think its possible.
    The staff is courteous, they charged me the lunch price at 3:15 when the dinner price begins at 3:30.  Appreciated because I know I wasn't going to finish in 15 minutes.
    Check it out if you're in the area.  Be warned, I hear its packed on weekends.

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    The food always seems to be on the coldish side but still delicious.

    I still usually get my money's worth on the sushi rolls. Delicious. [=

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    How much can one expect from a buffet?

    Anyways the food is good, although sometimes cold.
    Service is very good.

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