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    Here's the thing: If i could rate this purely based on how much more comfortable I feel here vs. regular clubs, I'd give it 5 stars. This is GREAT place if you are bigger and you just want to dance. I don't know what the girl below, Suzie, is talking about, there are no perverted creeps. I mean... there are dudes trying to pick up chicks, but you'd get that at ANY club. ALSO it is by no means in 'gang territory', lmao...it's like 3 blocks away from a poplular movie theater and shopping mall. Very normal area.

    But here's how I break it down:
    Music: 3 stars (not the best choices...sorry DJ)
    Ambience: 4 stars
    Venue: 2 stars (ONLY because it's only open once a week)
    Staff: 5 stars

    Oh, and there's a 10 dollar charge just to get in, which kinda sucks, but I didn't really mind.

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    This is a big girls club or size acceptance. It's cool because you can go & not feel judged. Or at least comfortable. I know some people go a tad on the scantily clad side but it's cool because this would be the place to try any daring looks w/out getting heckled. The gogo's look good & are nice. Some of the guys are creepers but there are also some who are nice, just like any other club. Drinks are moderately priced & the bartenders are awesome! The owner stops by every so often & the security doesn't give you a hassle. We usually get a hotel & make an overnight road trip of the visit. I recommend it. :)

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    I love this place been going here since butterfly opened. I have been clubbing since I was 13 years old.
    Ever since I turned 21 I've been goin to this place with my crew. The place has a great staff, awesome dj, and bad ass drink specials, and don't forget my dance crew and my sexy gogos. And the sexiest host the diva her self Kathleen divine. Come out this and every Saturday nights.

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    I went here again last Saturday and it was kinda weird.  The men were strange and there were a lot of older people there.  The guy that I had met the first time turned out to be a jerk so I decided to try my luck again...and lucky me I meet another cool guy and he lives in another state...will I try again this weekend...let's see if i can sucker any of my friends into going with me :o)

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    Ok, so we Pull up to this place and outside of it is littered with ppl chain smoking qnd the attendees seem to be of very low class( some men had on tshirts and tennis shoes, the cars in the parking lot where clunkers, women wore clothing of poor quality as well,)  the sign for the actual lounge was like a cloth sign drapped over the old sign for what ever the previous business was. It was just awful. The people going in and out of the club where unattractive, loud, both ghetto and country. There was good diversity in the ppl attending black, white, Hispanic and Asians. Oh and the music was awful! Omg old school music, not one top 40's song was played, the last song we heard playn was tu

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    During the week it's the Gay Club 'The Lion's Den" and on Saturday evenings it is transformed into "the Butterfly Lounge" - they have really fun 'theme nights' where everyone dresses up (not a requirement though) and it opens at 9pm with a 10.00 cover, and if you get there after 11pm you have to wade through a ton of smoke out front to get through the door but I've been going here for several years because I live in the area, and it was really fun ---- IN THE BEGINNING!!!! I love dancing at the 2 big girl clubs in OC, the Butterfly is way close, I have friends that prefer it and the drinks were great - - it was a blast.

    However, of late, there have been some really SNOBBY women and down right bitchy girls there, and some pretty ballsy lesbians that are wicked jealous if you even talk to their girlfriends!  It's called SOCIALIZING - get over it, not everyone wants YOUR partner, some of us are just being friendly and social. Which is what the Butterfly HAD BEEN FOR YEARS, A SOCIAL PLACE!

    A few friends and I go together and I've been there with dates. Basically I go to dance, nothing more, not to be picked-up on, give out my number or be harassed and not to get wrapped up in DRAMA - it's been fun, again, until lately. The guys are really nice, they aren't pushy or have attitudes, it's the women that have become that way over the years.

    Get there at 9 and you get a ticket for a drawing for free admittance the IMMEDIATE following weekend, at 10 the numbers are drawn but then no one hits the dance floor until about 11pm.

    The music has seen better days though.  Last weekend I asked the DJ to play something a little slower to get people out there before they were 'really buzzed' and had their quotient of liquid bravery met, he said "no, they're waiting for the hip-hop" ---- hmmmmmm I'd been trying to dance with my friend for 3 songs (that sucked) NO ONE ELSE WAS and the DJ turns down the request of the only people dancing? ASS......

    In the last 6 or so months I had heard the Butterfly had been going down-hill  turning into mostly a pick-up joint (but it's always been a single chubby/fat girls HEAVEN) and there are some really HOT guys there that only like big girls so size 2's don't be hatin! It also has quite a few swingers, so be careful!

    Anyway, it seemed to be turning into a  'hip-hop' club with more drama than soap operas, there used to be a nice mix of ethnicity's and the music reflected EVERYONE not just one race, not quite so anymore.

    God forbid you 'talk' to the wrong person and either be confronted by an angry lesbian or an uptight girlfriend! Partner swapping has been prevalent and openly discussed - regulars know who the swingers are, and if you don't - be sure to ask if they are in an OPEN relationship!

    I like the owner (Kathleen) and the bar tenders are awesome - especially Andre! But again, it's changed - and not for the better, it's the only "size acceptance" place here though, so we've went. If things don't improve soon we'll be doing the longer trek to Long Beach to the other club - I really wish a few wouldn't ruin it for the majority.

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    I love this place! Its the best ever and I ONLY give it 4 stars cuz it only takes cash for the entrance and drinks.

    The whole staff is awesome!

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