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    The prices weren't too bad, but the food was.  I had delivery so I couldn't take back the awful Chicken Pad Thai.

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    2 words.  Lunch. Special.

    Humongous portions (I can usually make at least 3 meals out of one lunch special), cheap (even for a lunch special), and quick and super-friendly service.  What's not to love?

    Besides the options on the lunch menu
    -their soups are not fancy but they're also pretty good.
    -crab rangoon is a favorite
    -dumplings are also huge
    -thought it might not be the first place you think about for wings, their chicken wings are really good.
    -Smoothie deliciousness

    Great place if you're craving chinese food on the fly!

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    Super fast delivery and delicious food!!!

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    It''s been a few years since I have been here, mainly because I no longer work in the area.  That said, I still come back for one thing: their cantonese chow mein.  I don't know why I love it as I do.  I think it may be something with the presentation.  They actually mix the noodles with the veggies, unlike other places where the noodles are buried somewhere underneath all the other items.  Yum.

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    It's not gourmet, but it's cheap and fast. The best part is the lady who is always there. She's so nice!!!

    You can feed your family for about a week on $10. Though... most everything tastes the same.

    Recommended: pepper steak; mongolian fried rice.

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