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    We took our kids there for the FREE, Irish breakfast 3/16 this year before watching the river dyed green. In addition to the fact that they simply offer a (free) breakfast, that included traditional bangers & mash, the owner greeted us personally on our way in. He later brought our son and daughter free kiddie cocktails. So sweet! When my husband thanked him on the way out, and said we didn't want to expose our kids to a "bar atmosphere" but wanted to celebrate my heritage with them in a new way and they'd been a part of that in a nice way, he said it's important and he wanted to support a family atmosphere. The nicest guy; so were the bouncers and other patrons - while it was early on ;-), everyone respected the presence of our little children!

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    Jammed at at 3 AM, closes at 5 AM... oh yes, this I can do.

    This place is pretty damn cool. It's got one of the top 10 ugliest/cheapest front doors I've ever seen, there's not enough chairs for the amount of people that pack in here, there was at least a 3 person wait every time I used the single occupancy men's room and we ordered our drinks by yelling across a distance of 5 feet hoping our voices carried over the voices of others closer to the bar.

    Wanna know what though? It all freakin' works out somehow.
    Even though it was standing room only at 3 AM there were plenty of lean-to spots along the walls and half wall (kind of a separator between the bar and tables), the lines for the restrooms moved quick and I don't know how... but somehow the bartenders heard and correctly fulfilled  every drink order we put in.

    Here's a fun fact, every 20 oz Imperial Pint of Guinness ($3.00) helps support Firefighters Nationwide. I'm not a fan of Guinness, but I had to get one just for that. Nothin' beats drinkin' for a good cause  Seriously... if there's a good charity "Drink your face off" thing going on let me know... I'm here to help.

    The crowd is great, seems like everyone was kinda expecting to get bumped or have a wee bit of beer on their shoes... my bad pink Nike's girl, I'm sure that'll dry right up. Staff is cool, even when they're jam packed the make it a point to get to you. I don't think I waited more than a minute or two before having them get us our drinks. Gotta give 'em props for that!

    I hope to come back here sooner than later, it was a really good time.

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    Looks like inflation finally caught up with this place, as it is now home of the $3 Guinness. Whether for two bucks or three... I just can't stomach this joint. The clientele here just isn't want I'd call a high-quality crowd. Clannish, a bit surly, and occasionally trying to sell me drugs. No thanks, I'm good with my beer.

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