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    This place used to be an awesome place to go. Always packed with 20-40 year olds, great music and great drink prices.

    A bunch of us used to go there every weekend. Not anymore. Now there are nothing but middle-aged and older biker men. It's definitely unwelcoming.

    I love Big John (the owner). He is an awesome guy to know. But this bar is not what it used to be. Has to change it up a little and the men there have to be a little more respectful to women. Majority are all pigs.

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    Never felt so unwelcomed. I walked in thinking they served polish beer . I was told they dont serve imports. What idiots, polish beer  is impoerted beer : ) I actually went there because a polish guy from another bar said there was a cool polish bar with a wide selection of polish beer on belmont east of pacific ave. So I walked in and asked if the bartender if they had polish beer , so a guy holding a kid on the other side of the bar walked up to me and looked at me up and down and said this is not a polish bar, we cater to cops and fire fighters. Every one in this bar was caucasian, See I am latino and the way he said it and the tonehe said it made me feel discriminated. News flash, you are in Chicago a multicultural city in the middle of a polish neighborhood motherfucker.

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    Not bad - not bad at all.

    New to the area and wandered in on St. Patrick's Day night, hoping to find the hockey game on TV and perhaps a drink or two in a place that wasn't wall-to-wall drunken idiots.  It wasn't too crowded and certainly had the "biker" vibe going, but without an overtone of menace.  

    Had to holler for attention at the bar but then found a quiet corner to watch the game close to the path to the restrooms.  Other than a few "what's the score?" inquiries I was left alone until the game ended.  I moved to the bar around 10 pm and was bought a round by Big John as a "welcome to the neighborhood" drink.  The few folks I talked to were friendly, the drunks were reasonable, the bathroom was quite clean, and I felt comfortable the whole time.  

    Note:  I'm a chubby middle-aged woman who came straight from work dressed in pink button- down shirt, chinos and loafers.  I had zero issues, and will be going back.

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    Big John's Club Belmont is a cool, little dive bar with cheap drinks.  The hygiene level is a cut above what you'd expect at a place like this.  The bathrooms don't even smell bad & I've never gotten a dirty glass.  

    The crowd is eclectic.  You might see bikers, urban hipsters and some of the local guidos (like me) sharing a drink and shooting pool.  There is also a pretty high number of single women for a bar of this type.  Just do your best to monopolize the internet juke-box or some of the other patrons might play stuff that will make your ears bleed.

    The owner is the eponymous Big John and he's quite a character.  Just stay on his good side and don't try to pet his dogs.  The bartenders are for the most part good looking, young ladies.  Let's just say they haven't been hired for their skills behind the bar.  Don't be surprised to find them too busy fending off advances from the male patrons to notice you need a refill.  Feel free to yell across the bar at them to get their attention, it works for me.

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    I may be wrong, but I am pretty sure this is where 1997 went to die.

    For the people-watching alone, this bar deserves 5 stars because WOW. Fake boobs, short skirts, and bad dye jobs unite here in a cacophonous visual assault without any need to toss dollar bills around. It was actually kind of awesome.  Unfortunately, that's where the good (or at least interesting) things came to an end.

    Smokers rejoice! Apparently no memo was received about the smoking ban. That's right, no need to stand outside in the frigid Chicago winter when you can stay at your table, cheap beer in hand, and blow smoke on the people sitting at the next stool over.

    And non-smokers! Don't be sad, you too will want to partake in the illegal smoking activity after you have to wait 20 minutes for a drink. That's an optimistic estimate by the way...

    The toilet didn't flush but "Baby Got Back" played on the jukebox. Really, this was just a mix of cons and pros all night, but in the end, I left sober, cold and smelling like tar. Not cool.

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    Great little neighborhood bar.  Drinks are cheap, place is clean, and the jukebox is real good.  Big John, the owner, has hired some of most endowed gals to bartend, luckydawg.  Plenty of room, and a friendly atmosphere, JUST DON'T TRY TO PET THE DOGS, they can be a little snappy.  For a neighborhood bar, it is much better than the average bars in the area.

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