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    I love the fact that this place has free pool until 10pm.  Even though I cannot play pool, I feel a lot better about learning when I don't have to pay for it.  The beer selection is pretty great (and cheap), plus I like the vibe, chill and kind of dive bar-esque.  The bartender was very friendly, gave us lots of great tips about where to go in Lawrence.  My only beef was the "angry music"; I wasn't feeling angry.  If they changed the music up a little, I'd want to come here every day during my stay here.

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    So many nostalgic moments in this dim, somewhat seedy bar.  Since they added the large windows and patio a few years ago, it is not quite as gloomy, but this small, 2-story bar is a haven in downtown Lawrence.

    Great music is often available downstairs, and the bar tenders are very knowledgeable.  Hit it for a dance night with some great local DJs, and spend the night with some cool kids, in a tiny little corner of Lawrence.

    The drawbacks include very sketchy bathrooms (which add to the ambiance) and plastic cups for draft beer--stick with cans or, tempt fate, and get some wonderful liquor concoction--I recommend the whiskey daisy ( and I don't even like whiskey).

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    Taproom - I love it.  If you don't know what you want to drink, ask the bartenders to mix you up something special.  They'll give you some amazing cocktail you've never had before and will never have again.  Then go dance your pants off :)

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    I don't wear bike caps, have any tats, or own many cliche hipster graphic tees, but hell, I really enjoy this place!

    Just something about the divey cool factor got me hooked. Oh, and the fact that the bartender made this lovely concoction of strawberry lemonade and beer.

    Anyway, it's a fun place. On the first floor, you'd be lucky to play billiards because #1 there's just one table and #2 the place could only fit one table. ha-ha. But who needs to play when you got good loud music and fun people all around. The downstairs is fun too but is slightly creepy. It's basically a dark basement with a bar and red lights. Great to hear a rap battle or have a full on dance party. I've witnessed both.

    Good times at Eighth Street Tap Room... Probably one of favorite bars in Lawrence.

    Tip: Be Prepared; No Credit Cards. Just Cash!

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    Hipsters unite! Enjoy a bar where the jeans are skinny, the people are indie and the hipster basement dance party goes on even after the bar closes. Big comfy booths upstairs, great bartenders(willing to make any drink once), pool table, graffiti bathrooms. Full dance floor downstairs-not for sketchy grinding, for funky techno dancing! Fun for a day drink on the little people watching patio or a easy going night out.

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    Oh, the Tap Room.

    I fell in love with The Tap Room when I was the ripe age of 21 while I was a KU student. I was tipsy, dressed, and looking for a place to get down.

    The Tap Room offers a classy grit feel to Lawrence nightlife, with the bar upstairs lending itself to those calmly enjoying a brew and the saucy downstairs offering itself to wonderful sweaty nights of dancin' bliss.

    The DJs here are maginificent, favorites having been Sadie Soul for her wonderful taste in rare soul. The DJs here are fabulous in general, providing dancers with a variety of tunes to get down to.  A Saturday night here is never ill-spent. Though I must say: the space is small so you do get a few overenthusiastic dancers who like to flail. Be careful. :)

    Warnings: it gets really hot, so be sure to layer because you will sweat.

    Praises: the bartenders tend to be kind of cute. Tip them and the drinks will be poured stronger.

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    Bundles of fun, this bar offers a plethora of fun things to do on a night out. From dancing to 60's bop to 90's hip-hop. The upstairs is entertaining with large comfy booths where a group of friends can sit and chat (if you can hear one another over the music)  or play pool and sit in the vintage chairs along the wall.
    The basement, however, is a time-warp. You can get trapped down there for hours, be it mingling, dancing or raging. The outdoor area is a nice place to either people watch or just catch a breath of fresh air. The Eighth Street Tap Room is a fun time to be had by all it does however sometimes have a cover so come prepared.

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    The Tap Room used to be on my go-to list of bars. It had a good atmosphere, friendly barkeeps, and a decent (if incredibly sweaty) soul night.

    Then they took Leffe off tap, thus breaking my beer-loving heart. The G&T I ordered as a replacement was depressingly weak. In the same week, I was in with some friends and we were accosted by some would-be scam artists.

    Haven't been back since. My three stars are for the good times which are apparently now relegated to nostalgia.

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    The Eighth St. Taproom is my favorite bar in the world. (full disclosure: I used to DJ here, so maybe I'm biased).

    The upstairs just got a snazzy new makeover and has a pool table and lots of room for people to sit in cozy booths and chit-chat, however the BASEMENT at the Taproom is where it's at.

    The basement is dark and hott and awash in red lighting, and on the weekends its usually the host to a sweaty dance party. The DJs at the Taproom are always top notch and I've seen some of the best local music shows in the basement.

    First and foremost, the Taproom is a bar and I think they have the most knowledgeable bartenders, good prices, and a great beer selection compared to other bars in Lawrence. Jeremy and Prashant always give good beer suggestions and make a mean mixed drink. All of the bartenders are hotties as well.

    This bar is one of the places in Lawrence that I miss the most.

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    I danced so hard here I almost broke my spleen.  I'm trying to think of the last time I heard Tootsie Roll at a dance party.  Ohmygod that was fun.

    Some day, I hope to make it back here on a night when I'm not driving.  Then I can actually try out the booze and bartenders.

    But for sure a great dance party and good crowd.  Nobody is going to judge you or shove you away.  They'll just dance up on you.  Great place to end the night.  Pool table gives everyone something to do, if everyone likes a) pool b) dancing or c) both.

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    You know, I don't give a fig about taps. I stick to booze in joints like this (and Eighth Street Tap Room is absolutely a "joint like this"), because my drink of choice is wine and I'm not drinking wine here!

    I've had some good nights at the Tap Room. The upstairs main room has never seemed too packed for my liking (unlike the surf bar next door), even if the live music and/or DJ sets wafting up from the downstairs have left a lot to be desired. It's still quiet enough to have good conversation with your friends, or cozy up with your date in a corner booth.

    You know what I like to do while tossing back a 2-dollar gin and tonic? I like to stare up at the dark staircase that leads up to the third floor (apartment? office?) and imagine a life for its inhabitant. It seems like someone has thrown out the contents of a suitcase all over the stairs. It seems like a positively rash act, something that happened just yesterday in fact, after she returned home from a trip to Tripoli, where she had it out with her  lover  from Des Moines. And now she languishes on her day bed, wearing filthy stockings with runs and a ruined slip, drinking bitter coffee from a metal stove top pot and smoking, staring at the rain stained ceiling muttering curses under her breath. Certainly not getting any relief from the strains of bad soul/funk, spun by a 21 year old DJ wearing a bandana around his neck and big white plastic sunglasses two floors below.

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    Awesome atmosphere. Upstairs really laid back with a pool table surrounded by some movie-theater chairs that are pretty cool, numerous little tables, booths, etc...I do like the bartenders quite a bit, although I'm not proud enough to say we are on a first name basis.  

    The downstairs, to me, is where the most fun is...with low ceilings and red lights, the downstairs can get crowded when music is performing, such as local artists, punk rockers, a dj spinning soul music.  The bar down there is quaint and always a nice destination when you get done busting out some dance moves.  Definitely a must go.

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    The Taproom was one of my homes away from home.  No matter what mood I was in, I always enjoyed myself.  The bartenders are the coolest in town, the DJ's rarely disappoint, only the best local bands play here, and you can always see some great fashion.

    The upstairs has booths and a pool table. Decently lit and seems more like a typical dive bar. Love it.

    The downstairs is red lit and sexy. There was always a joke that you never pick up on someone downstairs at the taproom. Chances are they won't look as good the next day!  

    I love you taproom. Always will.

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    This place is my second favorite bar in Lawrence and the best place for a great dance party. The red lighting is awesome and some of the best bartenders in Lawrence serve there (Prashant!). When I lived at 8th and Ohio, I was at the taproom nearly 4 days a week. My two complaints are that the basement can get extremely hot during the summer, and recently the sound system has been way too loud. But I adore the Taproom and I miss it very much.

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    It's a go-to place for me, either with friends or alone.  And in all cases, I end up having a good, drunken time here.  An eclectic assortment of music and dancing downstairs, and a mellow environment upstairs.  The bartenders know their stuff, and aside from that, they're just lovely.  That's not the booze talking.  Or maybe it is.  Either way, I am satisfied with my drinks and the atmosphere.

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    This place seems to be getting a lot better. Better DJs coming through and they are keeping a good crowd.  Come for some good funky times and plenty of dance.   Pretty darn good drink prices and friendly bar tenders.

    Rumors keep surfacing that they are going to open the upstairs above the 1st level, but it just sounds like the staff and manager is lazy. I think this place could really get a good niche if they did two music scenes. Some indie/electronica/dance in the 2nd floor and then more funky/soul/hip-hop in the basement.

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    This was my winter bar.  When the wind got too cold for the Replay heat lamps, the taproom was the place.

    I was introduced to one of my favorite cocktails here--the Americano--and I remember sinking into the booths for a good gossip.

    I never did get good at pool, though.

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    Another standby in my seven years in Lawrence. Another intimate venue that over the years held so many great bands and so many great dance parties.

    When visiting after having moved to San Francisco, it seemed so strange to me how many nights I had spent there. It's like the ground should have been worn down a little in the route of my weekly weekend adventures.

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