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    This place has a great pub connected to a club that always has a great DJ that knows how to throw a decent party.

    It has a nice patio for smokers and anyone who needs fresh air now and again.  Great theme parties. Really hard to get around when its packed. Somewhat poorly designed. Overall, probably best combo bar on Mass St.

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    I hate to give this a one-star, because my friend is the DJ there.  DJ Mo does a great job...though I'm not really into the top 40 crap.

    One big place I diverge with Chastity's review is that I NEVER stand in line in Lawrence freaking Kansas to get into a bar.  If I'm in a line, I better be on my way to see GD Beyonce.  

    My rule - if you have to stand in line or go through a metal detector to get into a club in LAWRENCE, it's probably not a place I want to be.  

    I did abandon my rule once because my aforementioned DJ friend put me on "the list" (cue impressed gasps), so I decided to check it out.  After passing the metal detector, I pushed through the crowd of kids to the bar. It took me 30 minutes to get one drink, and at one point the guy behind me decided to grope my ass.  Pleasant.

    Once I had my drink I proceeded to the raised platform by the DJ, and spent the rest of the time watching drunk sorority girls dancing on a small table, flashing their cooters a la Paris Hilton while drunk frat guys desperately humped their legs.

    Maybe I just expect more from a night out.  This place just feels....vapid.

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    This has got to be the best club in Lawrence! It's not very big but the line is always long and to me that means it's a happening place! I enjoyed the music they played, it was a mix mostly top 40, that's my fav! The drinks were reasonable as well as the cover charge! I will go back to party here when I'm in Lawrence!

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