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    Wow, no reviews for this venue in a long time, and many not so good. I've been here several times the past few months (including last night) and find the service and drink availability to my liking. Apparently others agree as the place is packed most of the time in the evening. Guessing the management had a shake-up in the running of the bar because people aren't dumb--there are quite a few good options for a drink within a block of here if the service doesn't meet the need. Our service has been consistently quite good.

    First, the martini crowd really seems to like the Jayhawker. That's not my game so I can't review their options but I know people that rave about some of their choices. They have a modest but very high quality options in draught beer although the Guinness is too cold--but they do take care in pouring it--but that's the case *everywhere* and is mostly my problem. Some very good IPAs, Pilsners and specialty seasonal beers and micro-brews including the O'Dell's 90 Shilling, a delicious pint of goodness. A decent single malt selection and our bartender clearly understood what I was ordering last night. Can't say that about some places in town (a what???).

    Noisy, crowded, it's sort of a young professional to middle age and older hangout to my eye although one of my Yelp pals said it was the sorority crowd. Haven't seen that the past 3-4 visits... likely they've moved on to the Cave at the Oread which is more in line with that age group and much, much closer. It has a distinct advantage in that you can puke after your Jägermeister shots and still be within reasonable walking distance back to the Greek house. :)

    Acceptable bar chow as well, the french fries in particular were pretty spectacular the previous time and came with some nice non-out-of-the-plastic-container dipping sauces. Wise move. I'm not seeing the 1-2 quality issues indicated from a year or two ago but that's just my opinion. Worth a second shot. This is a darn nice place and pretty happening for my adult beverage choices.

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    Thursday martini night is the only time I've even in here.  I had a burger once and was rather unimpressed, but LOVE the 1/2 priced martinis (~$4-4.50).  They have several dozen martinis ranging from sweet to classic to savory, so just about anyone can find something they'll like.

    Tito's Revenge with hot sauce, tomato juice and vodka is very spicy while the Snowdrift is sweetly amaretto.  I love the Jayhawker Juice, which is just pineapple infused vodka.  It gets quite crowded as the evening goes on so I'd suggest getting there early if you want a table, but it's definitely worth elbowing your way to the bar otherwise to try one of their signature concoctions.

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    Sadly this place keeps getting worse and worse.  Its a shame too because its a great location, a beautiful bar and its in the hotel (the Oread is trying to hard for me, at least the bar).  

    Unfortunately the food is just crap.  Many years ago they did a great peppercorn filet, crabcake and the pasta a la vodka was good.  Now they do a lame steak, some poorly executed frou frou stuff and a dead pasta.  

    Honestly the service was always mediocre (it is in a college town so they dont get the sharpest tacks) but the last time it was even worse than usual.

    Put the poor service, the terrible food and the premium prices and this place is dead to me.  Id rather go to Pepperjax for a nice meal.

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