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  • Outdoor Seating

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    Willie's, which used to be the old Shenango (moved west now), is a tiny joint right across from Dillons.  The bartenders are always friendly and quick, make my drinks the way I like them, and don't make pests of themselves if you just want to nurse a drink.
    For the smokers, they have a fair-sized covered patio on the north side, and have heaters for those freezing evenings, which is nice of them.

    Willie's is tiny, but they do have a pool table and a couple of game machines.  You can't get a large crowd in here, but it's super for heading to for a quiet conversation and a drink with a friend or two.

    oh, and they sponsor a super tailgate on the hill at 11th and Maine, The Horse You Rode In On.  Donate to the cause, enjoy a bite of the vittles, and bring your own brew, in cans, as the aluminum is also donated to the charity of choice.

    I like Willie's.

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