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    Love the staff they kill it every time!

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    I'm completely changing my review of this place.  Yes, it's still a cheap college dive bar, and no, the drinks did not get any better when we came here again.  For the second night in a row.  However, as it was Tuesday, you paid a $2 cover and then all your drinks for the entire night were $2.  As in ANYTHING.  Granted, they ain't carrying any top-shelf booze here, but a $2 Sierra Nevada draft is still at $2 drink.  I'll take it.

    The one thing that greatly improved the esteem of this bar in my eyes (although "esteem" may not be the word I'm looking for) is their Hurricane.  Apparently every single night at 10 pm, they have this big long production, with patrons standing on the bar wearing mermaid costumes, a bizarrely funny 10 minute video they play, a song and dance, and the coup d'etat: they actually blow big fans with napkins and foam all over the bar.  Like a hurricane.  I literally want to come back to Lawrence in the dead of winter next year for my birthday, just so I can stand on the bar wearing the gross mermaid costume, and do the Hurricane dance.  I can't wait.

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    I love this bar.
    Tacky? Yes.
    Gimmicky? Yes.
    Dive bar? Almost!
    The atmosphere of this bar is by far the best part. If you don't appreciate the amazing 90's pop, the 80's rock, or even the random Disney songs thrown in, then don't go. I am willing to take my wife and friends to this bar just for the experience. The hurricane is easily avoidable by going outside. That is what I do.
    The novelty drinks come with fun toys, which are great to give the kids to play with during bath time. Just don't tell them how you procured such items.
    The line outside sucks but if you arrive before 10, you usually don't wait long. Once the inside gets packed though watch out for crazy dancing. I would complain about the patrons dancing crazy, but I have been there at one point or another.
    This is by far the best bar in town and whenever I get a free night I head here.

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