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    Good local mexican.  Seems pretty clean, good prices, byob...

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    it'll do in a pinch--say if i lost my legs and arms and couldn't get anyone to take me to Traspasada. or, as in the most recent instance, because a blizzard kept me close to home. otherwise, this place is worth skipping. tacos are nothing special, and the rice is speckled with the mysteriously overcooked peas and carrots characteristic of places that use vegetable soup to flavor their rice. refried beans are a no--you might do better with a can from the grocery store.

    i do like their horchata, however. not too sweet nor dilute, and the fact that it's ladled out of a giant, worn pot makes me feel like it was brewed up by someone's abuela who learned how to make it from her own abuela.

    my experience with service here has been quite good, but not what i'd call "rapido."

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