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    hopefully I'll get to check it out sometime.  10PM, such a big city.

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    Great music in the bulgarian part of Enigma.. European style discotheque.

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    Enigma is an ok place tro party. Close to where I live and convinient as far as parking and free entrance. As far as the above review, dude people don't go clubbing at 7pm, if you want to go t oa restaurant do so, enigma is a club. Go there at 12 am ot Friday and Satarday and you will feel the good vibe

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    THis place was horrible!!! I went with tons of girl friends, and we thought we were going to hear great music and do tons of dancing, but I was wrong... About thirty girls had to jump around to horrible music... when we tried to request some other tunes, they just brushed us off like we were nothing... THan as the night got later... one of the bouncers decided that he was going to throw out one of the girls that "looked more boyish" than the rest of us.  He was super prejudice and said that she was dancing inappropriately... I think he was just jealous because we werent dancing with anyone else but ourselves.   I hope that no one goes  to this place simply based on the fact that their bouncers are super prejudice.  I have never experienced something like this... a man jealous of a girl who was simply dancing more than anyone else... I am hurt and feel like like my friend was discriminated on... we tried to bring this place some business and they treated us horribly... Please dont support this place... Please dont bring them business... they are terrible and do not deserve good people to go there and spend their hard earned money...

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    Great Place! Being from Eastern Europe made me feel like I am at home. Hot Chicks, posh atmosphere, good music. The mixes are 10$ the vodka shots are 9$, Great place to party The crowd is very authentic to Easter Europe, Polish, Bulgarians, Russians, good looking girls and boys. Too far from downtown and I don't think I'll come back because of that. But ti was great!

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    I had high expectations for this club. I was looking for something to do on a Sunday night so I thought this was the place to be. Well was I wrong! Their web site says" Retro Party with Improvised Karaoke Every Sunday Night.- 7pm" Sounded like fun. When I walked in at 8 o'clock I thought the place was closed. No DJ no karaoke no customers. Really? Just the staff. I actually asked if they were open. Well we decided to stay, and I asked the female server who I think was a Russian blonde, where's the DJ? She repled, " Not until 10." Ok so whatever we ordered food that was just average. I wanted $5 drink specials asadvertised "Every Sunday", and she said " not this Sunday."  The best part was when we got the check, she stood there waiting for me to fill out the gratuity part...awkward! Overall a disappointment. Skip it.

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