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    Back in the day, this was my favorite bar. I would frequent it almost every weekend. Recently though, after a period of absence, I returned to find it packed full of fraternity guys and hippies. Not that I have anything against either of these two genres of people but not exactly my scene.
    The bartenders pay minimal attention to the waiting customers at the bar, even during slow times.
    Some weekends, this bar can be quite fun, but as Charles T. put it, it really is hit or miss. Thank goodness its located on Mass street with dozens of other bars within walking distance.

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    Can't believe I haven't written about Fatso's yet.

    I'm torn because this was one of the first bars I came to in Lawrence, and I have fond memories of dancing and pushing $3 Friday night special double Long Island Iced Teas on my friends...I also realize that it's a college dive with not a lot of character and a stench of deep-frying oil permeating through the air...(I am, of course, now curious to try Lebanese Flower - the source of this oil odor, which is a teeny business with a window that serves people inside and outside the bar). The DJ is usually hit or miss...on this last visit it was a combination of 80s with abrupt transitions into the occasional top 40 hit.

    Unfortunately I think I may just be too old and boring to have absurdly cheap Long Islands do it for me anymore - sorry, Fatsos.

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    Fatso's is really hit-or-miss.  Wednesday is supposed to be one of their big nights, but it's really inconsistent.  Wednesdays have $1 wells, $2 domestics, $3 imports, and tacos are 3 for $5 (delicious).

    They do have a courtyard patio out back which is nice if the weather is favorable.  Inside has a large dancefloor, booths, a long bar, and bar-height tables if booths aren't your thing.

    Warning: They're really serious about their $15 minimum on credit cards.

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    Fatsos is a great place for a reasonably priced drink and great music.  Specials include $3 for any bottled beer (selection is quite large) and $2 calls including the bar's favorite shot, Rumpleminze.  They also have a large patio, big enough to accomodate non-smokers who just want some fresh air without getting cig smoke all up in their lungs.  The attached taco stand is also a nice touch with several options for vegetarians.  Stop in to watch a game, see some music, or just catch a drink with a friend.

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    Best bar in Kansas, period. Say what you will, but the people who work at this bar clearly love it and their jobs.  One of the best patios to kick it on, especially if you don't like hanging with smelly hipsters.  I have to admit I am slightly biased, as I was a regular there for a few years or ten...not to mention I net the love of my life there! Bottom line, if you are in Lawrence, especially on a Monday or a Tuesday get your ass to Fatso's.

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    I've been here twice and both times I have had issues with the staff. They have little to no respect for the people coming to this bar. It seems the only way you can order a drink is if you are a female. The thing that pushed me over the edge was the last time I went there I opened a tab and ordered 1 drink. After about an hour we were leaving to another bar and when I got my bill they added 2 $5 top shelf drinks to my tab bringing the total from $8 to $18. I told the bartender that they made a mistake with my bill but he made it quite clear that since another bartender added those 2 drinks to my tab it wasn't his problem and he wasn't going to help resolve it. Well I guess I will find out how much American Express values it's cardmembers when I dispute the charges when they show up on my statement. I will not be returning to this bar ever again, unless I receive a handwritten apology from the manager (I highly doubt this will happen).

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    Really fun, laid back crowd that is willing to let their hair down and party.  Bartenders kind of sucked but it's because they were overworked.  Waitress service would put this place in 5 star territory when combined with the fun crowd and legit DJ.

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    Many a memorable (or so I'm told...I don't always remember) night out has occurred within these hallowed walls. Oh Fatso's, how I miss you (and your drink specials!).

    The bartenders are great, if overworked, so I generally don't feel so impatient waiting at an insanely crowded bar for a chance to order.  The outside patio is decent, but I rarely went out there for whatever reason. I don't smoke, so that might be why. Almost always have a DJ or live music. Once I even witnessed a puppet show. It was pretty much how it sounds.

    Dance floor area in front of the stage makes for some interesting party memories as well. One of my favorites in my later KU years!

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    I enjoy Fatso's a lot.  The atmosphere is pretty standard 'college bar', but the staff is friendly and their drink specials are routinely good.  They occasionally have live music and the way the place is set up makes for some acceptable acoustics.

    The bottled beer selection is vast and they also have a number of beers on tap.  The full compliment of liquor is as one would expect.

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    Despite the unfortunate name, Fatso's is a pretty decent bar, though it's usually a college-heavy crowd. The bar itself is quite nice, it's very long, and there are lots of booths oppositte of the bar, which provides ample seating. The outdoor area is pretty spacious, and has those great heat lamps. Also, it's separated from the stage by a big see-through garage door, which is open in summertime. If a good band is playing the bar can be pretty crowded, and it can take a while to get a drink. Oh, and best of all, the bathrooms are relatively clean. Bonus.

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