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    Very disappointed after the reviews.  It was just meh.  Fish quality was just ok and the pieces were small...sliced very thin.  The miso soup was very good, which is why I added an extra star.

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    I was told about Foova by a 16 year old girl.
    This may be the most fascinating thing about this surprise-you-with-the-best-sushi-in-the-area hole in the wall: this place is like some kind of cult classic for the female teenager. Seeing an adult in Foova is about as rare as seeing a cat on a leash. And I have NEVER seen anyone of the male variety in Foova.
    So what, pray tell do these girls know that the rest of us don't??
    Perhaps that the spicy tuna roll is reeedunculous!!! The Caterpillar Roll to be exact. Get it "spicy with crunch and tobiko". Eat and be amazed. It just melts in your mouth!
    I frequent this little joint regularly - for the past 2 and a half years. Once you find what you like, the cravings are intense.
    I have tried a few other things on the menu:
    Eel roll - wasn't amazed.
    Love a tempura sweet potato and asparagus roll (I made that up - it's good).
    Foova salad - super yummy, huge and filling (avocado, shredded crab legs, tobiko (fish eggs), and spicy mayo).
    Shumai - standard.  
    Miso Soup - mmmm...
    And that's all I've tried - cause I'm ADDICTED to the Spicy Caterpillar Roll with crunch and tobiko!!!

    Oh no... craving now.. must have...

    Keep in mind, this place is best for take out. But it tastes so fresh!
    Love you Foova!!!

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    This place has been around for a long time.  Their Miso soup is awesome and a good comfort food / drink when you are not feeling well (i.e. a flu).

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    This is my first Yelp review and I only write it because I truly love this place.  I have had sushi all over the world and this is my favorite take-out place.  Who knew Tenafly, NJ would get this treasure?!

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    Absolutely bar-none my favorite sushi place. In a tiny town in New Jersey? I know, I know, but give it a try. I usually get the spicy tuna rolls, which are absolutely perfect. The atmosphere is charming, and the family that runs it is really nice. I can't recommend this place enough.

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