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    Heard about this place from friends and decided to give it a try when I made it back to Kansas for the Holidays. It's tucked away in North Lawrence which is really just a hop off Mass across the bridge.  It's a good excuse to hit Mass street as well.  There's more indie shops there than I remembered.
    The bar had all the things I look for:  Great music, great beer on tap--if you're going to Kansas drink everything Boulevard-- and a cute clientele--yes, I look for this as well.  The bar has great windows in the front that make it airy as well as a fire place with leather couches that give it a touch of class.   There were pool tables in back, but we only had an hour.  My wife and I are bar-stoolers, anyway.
    This place truly has a cool atmosphere.  Being out-of-towners, I would recommend it to anyone going to Lawrence.

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    This place is fun. Unpretentious as any bar should be. Bartenders are attentive unlike those college fuck off bars. The people (including employees and owners) are neat and chill. Pool tables, arcade games and sometimes catered food. This is a bar I would find in Brooklyn, NY.

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    Best neighborhood bar in Lawrence.

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    I'm constantly finding bonus quarters on the Ms. Pac Man machine. Along with the drink specials and cheap beer, it almost seems like Frank is actually paying you to be there. Maybe he is. (Karaoke with Duckie is a blast!)

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    I have never been a regular bar goer, but if any place made me wish I was Norm, this is it. The atmosphere is welcoming. The staff is fantastic. The owners have a great sense of humor and North Lawrence is the better for it. Pool, movies, drink specials, shows - you name it - Frank's North Star is the place to be!

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    The leather couch is super groovy. Don't ask which one. Are you stupid?  Drink drinks here.

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    Great place! Fun atmosphere, great drink specials, comfy couches, pool, darts, pin ball, what more can you ask for? LOVE FRANKS NORTH STAR TAVERN - a little too much.

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