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    The beer prices are the typical ripoff for airport beer, with $9 for Sam Adams, but this is almost a pop-up bar down near the side aisle heading towards B18. There are about 8 seats at the bar and 4 bar height tables for 2.  Goose Island Green Line IPAD, only available in Chicago, is a mildly hopped IPA and cheaper than Sam Adams.  A few sandwiches and a Vienna hit dog available. It's also right by windows, so you get some natural light.

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    Casual, watering hole for relaxing after a long day.

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    If you're passing through O'Hare and are looking for a real Chicago experience, head to this quiet bend in the B terminal and belly up to the bar here at Galileo. Lou pours a nice, heavy double in-between bantering with Chicago cops, airport staff on break, and in-the-know businessmen. Ask nicely, and he'll make you an authentic, Vienna beef, Chicago hot dog, right down to the poppy-seed roll and the celery salt. They're not the best in the city, but they're damn good, and good enough to play with the big boys. I suppose you could order your dog with something less than "everything," but I have a feeling you might lose face with Lou. I wouldn't recommend it.

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