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    1,000 person venue = totally intimate concert going experience!  2010 season brought in a ton of great artists.  I caught shows by Keller Williams and the Keels, Karl Denson, SOJA, Dark Star Orchestra, Stockholm Syndrome, Acoustic Syndicate, JJ Grey and Mofro.  There were a ton more shows that I couldn't make.  This is one of the most beautiful venues I've ever been to.  It sits right on Greenfield Lake and is flanked by cypress trees.  At sold out shows you can pull up a lawn chair and a cooler outside the venue and hear the music just fine.  I've also seen folks bring their kayaks and paddle out behind the venue in the lake to enjoy the show.

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    Closest thing I've been too that compares would be Cary Regency Park/Koka Booth Ampitheatre in Cary.  Except Greenfield Lake is 10x more laid back and thank god its not in Cary.  Natural surroundings with water and woods as a backdrop in a gorgeous setting for this 1000 seat venue.  The acts that Greenfield gets here this fall are some of the highly sought after performers in the nation.  Acts like JJ Grey, Alejandro Escoveda, Grace Potter, Bob Weir, Donovan Frankenreiter are immediate sellouts in other cities.  What this means?  You get to be ridiculously close, in a small venue...where you'd have to fight for a seat and a view elsewhere.  Bravo to Greenfield, Greater Good Productions and the Penguin for making this venue what it is.....Don't hesitate on going, ever.

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    6:30am....ouch...my head...hungover on a Thursday...feet hit the floor...ouch...musta twisted my ankle...how did I do that...brush teeth...man my throat is raw...oh yea...what a great concert...

    This might be the coolest concert venue I've been to, its like a one tenth scale Walnut Creek, without the lawn. General admission, a huge dance area in front of the stage, and no security, so I was able to basically sit on the edge of the stage and take it all in.

    Don't expect to see your favorite band here, just find a genre that you like and GO. There appears to be some leniency with tailgating on the side streets if you are careful, maybe just a beer or two, don't get crazy.

    I took some pictures, but 99% of them are blurry...I wonder why?

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