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    Fried Catfish steaks and fried chicken, Ceasar salad, collard greens, sweet potato with brown sugar and orange juice, ham steaks, macaroni and cheese, peach cobbler.


    This was the awesome, down home fare at State Rep. Constance A "Connie" Howard's (34th Dist.) 16th Annual "Sunday Supper," complete with open bar, fashion show and more.

    Rep. Connie charms me with her vigor, heart, brains and dedication; plus, she's adorable:

    <a href="http://www.yelp.com/biz_photos/GT9rwjqrZ0821SVY53xsNg?select=OMW-fTBluTNDcPaJ2u9WDw">http://www.yelp.com/biz_…</a>

    So I am a bit biased, I suppose. But the truth remains, the food was delicious and the service was excellent - befitting of the hostess.

    Notable fact: In the history of the Illinois legislature, Rep. Connie is only the second non-lawyer to chair the House Judiciary Criminal Law Committee.

    So,..uh....next time you need to host a few hundred people in West Pullman, The Harambee House rocks (and there is tons of parking).

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