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    This is my third time reviewing this place. I reviewed it a year and two days ago after opening night. Last night I went to the downstairs opening party they mentioned to me (over a year ago) and here is my little review:

    Lemme start off with the cons...the downstairs looks ridiculously nice. You feel like you're in the 'Man With The Iron Mask' or in a wine cellar from 'Zorro'. It's GORGEOUS.

    HOWEVER...do you guys watch Bar Rescue? It's on Spike TV...I've seen a few episodes. Basically, if your bar is failing, you call them up and they'll help you with everything from the menu to the renovation.

    When I go to a bar now I basically think about how sound travels throughout it or how the flow of the room is, etc.

    And...the bar is too big.

    Never thought I'd say that...but damn...the bar is too big. Take a rectangular Lego block. Flip it over...that hole? That's the size of the bar. The outter rim is walking space. And that's not taking into account the couches along the wall of the outter rim.

    Also, the DJ spins in a corner right next to the exit for the bathroom. So, if you wanna dance, you can't really do it in front of the DJ because there will be tons of traffic. Which is a shame cuz I fought hard to get DJ Licious to play last night and she was KILLING. IT. Best DJ in the game. Skrillex who?

    There's four bartenders, but I think for a bar that size you'll need two more. I don't think the basement will get as crowded as it did last night since last night was like an inauguration for it, but you never know.

    Other than that...it was a fun time. It took a minute for things to get started but it did eventually.

    Thanks to us.


    Every time we go out we have to start a dance circle. Once we got away from the DJ and the traffic for the bathroom, it took us like 5 minutes to start a massive circle. People were break dancing, doing flips, etc. Some guy did ballet. It was amazing.

    Give yourself a pat on the back Morristown! When I think of Morristown I think of a den of closet sociopaths, closet sex deviants and openly pretentious 1%ers.

    But, there are a handful of people in this town that just wanna have fun and dance like no one is watching. People who play video games and drink beer with a wine glass. Normal folks!

    I mean, some of those people (Tobey Maguire) could have been from out of town (Pleasantville), but...let's just...act like that's impossible.

    I also like how a girl can wear a Sidney Crosby t-shirt in here or a guy can rock one of those golf visor things and it not be an issue. No dress code. I bet I could come in here with a Chewbacca costume and it'd be gravy. Super chill.

    But yeah folks...I dunno if it'll be this crazy every Friday night when it's not a 1 Year Anniversary Party, BUT...if you wanna dance or check out excellent interior decorating, come on by. They close early though. 1:30 AM. sometimes earlier.

    May The 4th Be With You.

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    Cool place...above average bar food... Spotty service.

    They would get four stars if the service was better.  Maybe it was just our waitress.  

    This place is big with the after work crowd.  Lots of ties.

    I would go back.

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    By far the worst service I have ever gotten. The waitress was short with us, did not even take our entire table's orders (she left before we had finished ordering), and was extremely slow with bringing out our drink orders.

    Now, I'm all for giving waitstaff the benefit of the doubt if it's a busy night and they are short-staffed, but the place was near-empty and it was a Sunday night, so there was no excuse for the abysmal service we got. We gave up and went to the bar to get our drinks directly, and over an hour after we ordered, our waitress came over to ask if we had gotten our food yet. As she was the only waitress there, wouldn't you think she would remember whether she had brought us food or not???

    Probably a third of our orders actually made it to the table, then we gave up and went somewhere else. The food that actually arrived at our table was mediocre at best.

    I really want to like this place because they have some solid bartenders, but with our waitress being so terrible and the food being sub-par, I can't say I would ever eat here again, but I would consider grabbing a beer or two here sometime.

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