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    woohoo is right! this is an awesome place to go on any given night. I went on a tuesday night with just one of my girl friends and we had a hell of a good night. Walking in seamed overly crowded but as you made your way in you were exposed to the amazing chill set up that had plenty of room for everyone (but they all were crowded by the bar to care). Drink specials differ every night and have almost anything you want to drink. The bar tenders are friendly and inviting, encouraging you to drink more and request songs to keep the night going. They've actually got an outdoor porch now where you can go with your friends, meet some new people and smoke a cig if you feel like. Bathrooms... eh not the greatest but I mean your not at a hotel or anything. Overall the atmosphere, the hospitality, and the quality of the Jazzhaus won me over, definitely becoming a weekly hang out!!

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    Maybe we went on an off night, but the bartender had no interest in being there, there was a magazine rack in the corner (for boredom?) and trashy people were singing karaoke. Is it always like this?

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    My favorite bar in Lawrence to just chill out. Tuesday nights is $1.50 nearly anythings (crown and coke for me) and is the best night to go. Sometimes has some decent bands but again is just a great bar to hang out without the normal crowded loud atmosphere.

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    Jazzhaus is the very first nightclub I went to on my first visit to Lawrence in September 08, so it holds a bit of a soft spot in my heart! The K brought me here on one of our first dates, and local rockabilly faves, the Rumblejetts were playing.

    I was charmed by it all--the boy, the band, the bar...and the banquets (*there* I got one more in!). Jazzhaus has a sweet seating set-up (damn, I'm an alliteration dynamo tonight. I can't be stopped!) and has a divey cabaret feeling about it. I could have sworn I was in Greenwich Village circa 1955 in the infamous "Bucket of Blood" (some of you will get the reference). *Oh yeah* Daddy-o.

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    If you want live music and a great atmosphere rolled into one venue the Jazzhaus is the place to be.  When there is a band playing (which seems to be all the time) it is incredibly noisy, so take that into account--not a great place for a first date.  For me, the volume is part of the charm.

    The lighting is kept low (plenty of dark corners), the booths hug the walls, the venue is small and there is limited standing room--four great things that really make the Jazzhaus a great place to catch a drink and a local show.

    Make sure you bring cash though, the one major downside to this place is the cover which will run you $4 to $6.

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    Can be loud and crowded, but for this humble reviewer, that's part of the charm.  Awesome live music (hence the loud part), decent drinks.  I loved hanging out here, sipping my drink at one of the tables along the wall, watching all the grown-ups dance.  I'm looking forward to going back!

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