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    Very rude! They say they deliever but they pick and choose when they want too. Then when I addressed this she tried to hang up in my face. I called back and asked how far do you deliever and the she said you just called me, I'm not delievering. How rude! Will NEVER eat there again.

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    Idk, this place use to be great but it just made me sick as a dog

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    I must deisagree with Mary there is seatting granted its only 2 tables, tip jars drive me nuts too. I have tried many many chinese food places around town and jiangs is supurb, set aside for their mongolian beef i must say gen-hoe on 103rd and rigaland takes the cake. But next time at jiangs deffinatly try the Yu-shang chicken and crab rangoon

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    Good (not outstanding) food, reasonable prices, friendly staff, fast delivery--great for those cold winter nights when you don't feel like cooking and want something delicious. This is a take-out/delivery place only; no restaurant seating. Also, during business hours, the lot of this strip mall is packed.

    HOWEVER (you knew there had to be a "however"!), one of my pet peeves is going in to a fast food or take out joint and seeing a TIP JAR on the counter.  A tip for what? I tip (high) when I get food delivered, or when the wait staff serves me at a table, but I don't  tip when I drive to a place and have them hand me food I bought.  I don't tip the cashier at Dominick's or the lady at the gas station register, either.

    I always want to slip a piece of paper into the tip jar that says, "Here's a tip! Don't stand up in a canoe!"

    Jiang's has a tip jar, a hand-decorated paper cup that manages to be both kind of a scold and pathetic.

    I think there's a big cultural misunderstanding regarding tip jars--they seem to have proliferated at non-American-owned businesses. Here's what the counterman doesn't understand: tips are for services rendered beyond the price of the product. Also, a lot of restaurants pay their wait staff less than minimum wage because they are facotring in tips. A regular hourly salary and no extra service=no tip necessary.

    So yeah, I got that off my chest....but the food IS good, it is better than Chi Tung's (which used to be THE place to go for Asian but then got really big and really snooty and really blah). I don't know if Chi Tung has a tip jar, but even if they don't , Jiang's is a better place to go.

    FYI, as of last night: Count your egg rolls before you leave or you may get home to find out they've shorted you.  Luckily, I always order an extra couple of eggrolls, or we would not have had any.

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    Great food, fast service worth the money. WAY better then the local Chi Tung... this place is always fresh and lots of food.   Don't pass it up!

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