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    This place is what a good bar should be. Two thumbs way up! They don't get a five because they have no hard liquor, but otherwise this little dive is the epitome of the old school style of a man's bar. Yes it is dark, stale, and has nudie pictures and that plus the still-present faint aroma of stale cigarette smoke is what gives this place its charm. It feels like a bar should; a place to go and stomp mud off your boots and toss down a cold one. If you are on a date, you shouldn't be going to a bar anyway, so I am glad it is not a "date" place.  L.A. needs more places like this, so the next time you are going past after a hard days work stop in, wipe off some sweat and grime, and toss back a few while we shoot some pool and swap fish stories. See you there!

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    Ew. Besides the fact that they only have beer here, this place is dirty inside and filled with a bunch of drunk regulars who will literally stare at you when you walk in. Not exactly a safe place and not somewhere you'd ever want to take a date.. or anyone for that matter. Good for a laugh though.

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    I used to go here for beers when my buddy Jason lived in LA. It is like going to Tijuana with out leaving Los Angeles. The bar is dark, there are pictures of naked girls decorating the place and it is filled with Mexican Gardener types, that always gave me a nasty look when we rolled in. Guess they don't get any white guys in there, ever! The place reminds me of the bar they went to in "Dusk Till Dawn"

    They have a pool table and lots of street parking, but I just walk there.

    In short not a date place, not a safe place. Best to avoid if you mind a few "what the hell are you doing here?" looks.

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