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    Considering it's located on Jamaica Avenue in Queens, I should have known better.... But I'm open minded and have gone to other great places in the area (Maracas anyone??) so I figured I'd have just as much fun here. Sadly, I was disappointed!

    The entrance of this places looks like the entrance of an old man's bar... Just a regular normal neighborhood watering hole. This needs to be improved. Once you go inside though, I was extremelyl surprised! It's actually very trendy, very nice bar, nicely decorated... not at all what you would expect from the outside. I was pleasantly surprised based on decor alone (it wasn't great, but like I said, pleasantly surprised). Music was ok, not bad, I'm sure if I had been trashed I would have loved the music, but it was simply not bad.

    Maybe it was the day I went, but the crowd was sort of bland, and I just didn't feel the full party vibe. I would try it again, because I think the place has potential.

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