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    Maloney's is the dream for the city, state or federal workers that put in there 35+ plus hours each and other week. A true throwback to the past Ginmills after a hard day of labour!!! Expect your Rum & Coke to be 3/4 & 1/4 each and every time! Master Mixologist in Patty, Porkcut, Neil mix your drinks and solve your problems at the same time. This establishment is seasoned, the crowd is all familar with one another and social. You can smell the cornbeef and cabbage a day before and the day after St. Patrick's Day. This place is one of the true histories of Sutphin Blvd. Expect your drink strong, reasonably priced and the conversations plentiful. Great place to just fit in.

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    Tuesday was St. Patrick's day......when I was still working in the city I use to join the parade with my Irish friends..we would all dress up in something green...dress...bags..earrings....then go to the pub afterwards...have a good Irish meal of Cabbage, Potato and Corned Beef...and beer of course.....

    Now I work in Queens...A  block down  next to the Supreme Court where my office is located  is an Irish bar called  Maloney's.  ...I felt like having cabbage with corned beef so  I walked in the pub and ordered a platter....It was full...everybody very loud and having fun... Almost everybody had something green on them.  I myself had a green cashmere on...so I wasn't out of place...when the lady handed me my order she didn't take my money....Its on the house she said...so I  went back to my office and  finshed it all there.  I guess cabbage, potato and corned beef is on the house on St.Patrick's day...but you have to pay the booze.......

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