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    Jou-NAY! I was here last night, a beautiful night meaning more club goers, not the case here!  EMPTY! I wouldn't pay a dime to get into this club.  The club was nicely decorated though, VERY spacious, not only b/c it was empty but it does cover a lot of ground area.

    Hookah was good, standard club prices. However, one of those hookah guys was really thirsty, I don't like people grabbing me and he grabbed me sometime during the night to talk-First off the fact that you grabbed me gives me all the right to round house kick you, secondly what you need to do is stop talking and refill the hookah at my table.

    Drinks were delicious, bartender was a slim black lady, very delicate in serving drinks, she gets labeled classy.

    Music, a lot of Caribbean sounds. I like mixed music with mixed crowds but this place solely attracts the Caribbean club-goers.

    I had an OKAY time here but it's safe to say I will NEVER go back here again...

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    so i went here on a Saturday for a birthday party. It was cool. There wasn't too many people, but it was still fun. Was in VIP for the night. Had lots of drinks. The waiter kept bring more carafes for us. Got there at 1 and the music was great. They play a lot of everything. A lot of chutney and soca, which is a plus in my book.

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    Im a picky girl when it comes to good clubs, this place has everything you could want from security/bouncers who actually treat you with respect to the amazing vibe you get when you step in here. I went on a saturday, which they had open bar for everyone before 12 & ladies free before 12. The music is a mix between everything. The bathrooms are clean, the food is okay, and the drinks are strong! If your ever around queens be sure to check this venue out. Open from friday-sunday =]

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