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    My favorite place to be in Queens. When looking for a night out with real Irish folks, McGuinness's is the place to be. The bartenders are very friendly and funny and the customers are very welcoming. I've made a lot of friends by coming here. Extremely fair prices and really good beer. Any negative comments are clearly from people with no Irish descent or with no interest in Irish culture. I may only get to visit 5-6 times a year because I live in New Jersey, but if I lived in the neighborhood I would 100% be a regular customer.

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    Straight up dive bar. Not as bad as Subway Inn. That's about it.

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    Another generous 3, I might just be in a slightly wistful and vaguely homesick sort of humour given today's date and the fact that half of New Jersey is probably out celebrating their negligible Irish ancestry by vomiting all over Manhattan.  Anyhow, I was informed that McGuinness' pulls a decent pint of Guinness.  It's a good pint by New York standards - it's still watery though, and has that gross metallic, chalky taste.  Beer just doesn't taste good when it has to traverse the Atlantic, get reconstituted in New Brunswick, and then hit the road for NY.  None of this is McGuinness' fault.  

    My problem with McGuinness' is that it seems, at least on first impressions, to be full of bores.  The kind of old drunks who sit around all day boring the arse off Irish Americans who have come to consult the elders on all things Irish.  The bartender was a nice chap, but then he grabbed his iPhone and exclaimed 'here we go, lads!' and lashed on The Dropkick Murphys at deafening volume - I know you're delighted that you don't have to live in Tipperary anymore, but calm the fuck down.

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