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    Mandatory coat check and won't give me a cup of tap water with my tiny $6 drink? No thanks. Too bad, the place is great looking and the music was great too.

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    I go for the monthly darkwave event. It's nice, clean, drinks are decent. Staff is friendly. Dance floor smooth, atmosphere is nice. Only reason I gave it 4 stars is because it's in Elgin. So for city folk without a vehicular device it can be a hassle to get out to. Thankfully I know people who go to the same event who give me rides. I had to drive a friend's car back once and I started freaking out when the road went into tree mode and I was surrounded by nature, I was waiting for a figure with a hatchet to step out of the brush but thankfully that didn't happen. I was able to find civilization again and find my way back to the busy city with it's lights, concrete  and people.

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    I've been here multiple times and for the most part it's just was is expected of a club. The fun thing about Medusa's is that the first floor is just a set of stairs that leads to the second floor, which is where the 21+ section is (alcoholic beverages here.) then more stairs to the third floor, which is where the dance floor is, an a small flight to a fourth floor balcony-type area.
    Music isn't the greatest, but it's decent enough and sometimes good. Pretty dark, very loud, VERY loud music.
    Theme nights are cool. Only girls are allowed to dance on stages.
    My main complaint is that A) there are fools who get so drunk/drugged up that they stumble around and their friends have to help them stand. B) There is ALWAYS a surplus of guys compared to girls there, and they generally tend to mill about the edges of the dance floor.
    AWESOME light lasers and all that!

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    My preconceived notions about this place weren't too promising. First of all, it was in Elgin. How many good things can you possibly say about Elgin? I can't think of anyone who's voluntarily been to Elgin. They've either had jury duty or had fallen asleep on the MD-W and missed their stop in Franklin Park. Even the exit to get off I90 to State St. in Elgin is camouflaged as if it's trying to warn you to stay away like a Victor Salva horror movie. What I'm trying to say here is Elgin sucks.

    The reason I came to Medusa was a monthly Industrial night called "Darkwave" so this review is going to be based on that. Darkwave is no cover if you have the flyer. I forgot my flyer, but I figured since I didn't have to pay for parking in the garage, it would be an even trade. But the bouncer took one look at me and saw me in my childish Industrial getup and just let me in without paying. I guess the flyer isn't necessary if you know about the event beforehand.

    The atmosphere of this place can best be described as. . . airporty. Fair enough, they're going for the executive lounge part of the airport look, but it still feels like a goddamn airport. Not that it's a bad idea. Airports are cool, and every club has to have its theme, right? Like Bourbon Street attempts a "Mardi Gras" feel and V Live has a "you'll probably get date raped so for the love of God hold on to your drink" feel. It's also very clean, and that goes for the bathrooms too. And since I'm used to watching out for cracked and missing tiles at Neo, dancing on their smooth dance floor was a luxury.

    What really sold me on this place was the staff. When you think of nightclub staff, you typically imagine smug and unhappy men who would rather microwave their own genitals than spend all night watching you have fun, and use their ability to kick you out as irresponsibly as an eight year old who's discovered a hidden super power to turn broccoli into Happy Meals. But the Medusa staff are just the opposite. They're extremely friendly. They want to know your name, if you're having a good time your first night there, and if you plan on coming back. At one point a friend and I were looking at this one room that was blocked by a velvet rope. We were just talking to ourselves wondering if that was the VIP section. The bouncer at the doorway told us that it wasn't and ENCOURAGED us to walk in. This was a big deal for me because, except at the bank, I've never been on both sides of a velvet rope before. And keep in mind, he said this to two guys dressed in all black wearing combat boots and gas masks. I'm starting to think that if you really wanted to, you could reenact the scene in Goodfellas where Henry Hill walks into the Copacabana from the back.

    Ultimately it was a great night. I was a bit disappointed that there was no beer on tap and had to drink soda all night, but honestly, having to drive thirty miles back to the city at 4am on Saturday morning, maybe that's a good thing. I've never been happier to drive out to Elgin in my life.

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