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    The 12th Street Rag was located at 6943 Roosevelt Rd, in Berwyn, Il. They recently moved to 7023 W. Roosevelt Rd, Berwyn , Il. I went into the establishment on Thursday Jan 13, 2011, during the afternoon. Upon entering the bar I noticed that in was larger than the old bar. The perimeter of the bar had tinted windows with a fancy wooden entrance door. The interior had blue carpeting, a nice square bar with both tap beer and bottles. Mrs. " 100 buck" Dee was there the owner. Just a nice guy who was in the bar business for over 20 years. Carol the bartender was also there. The drinks are very cheap. For a neighborhhood bar this is a nice place. Good people, cheap drinks and some great fun. Shot and beer goers should hit this place. Remember drink safely. (:

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