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    I went here a month ago for a benefit show for the venue. My boyfriend's band traveled all the way from SF to play here with a bunch of other bands from out of town. The atmosphere of the venue is great. The thing that freaked me out was the staircase (you can see this right when you enter the venue) since it was a metal/hardcore show you don't want to be moshing around to much or else you might find yourself falling down that staircase.

    The only thing that I am not a big fan of was the two separate events happening at once. Downstairs they were having their "hip hop night" and the people downstairs keep telling the guys upstairs to turn the music down. The only music they were playing was a bunch of radio songs which was quite annoying since the guys upstairs were playing real live rock music. I feel that the live playing bands should get more respect since they traveled far out to play in this venue.

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    Good beer on tap, and the live music wasn't bad.

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    Went to this place for the first time last night, to listen to a hip hop show. The artists were great and I'm glad there was a venue for that. The bartender was nice, and my drink was pretty good (although not very strong). That's all the good. The place could be cool, nice space, decent ideas...but it didn't happen. The bouncers were seriously shady characters. Charging randomly to get in every time the owner left and went inside. Apparently, they developed their own sliding scale (as I observed on a break outside).. If you looked like you could pay he charged you $7 (male or female), if you were young and looked under age without an ID you got in for free. Tweeker?... You're in for free too..lol. By the time I left at 1am it was overcrowded and looked like a hot mess. Don't think I'll be returning.

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    Antioch at its best...but we all know antioch isn't that great. I love this place anyway though because of the variety of music, cool live rock bands upstairs and cool rap perfomances downstairs. I'm into both kinds of music so i float from downstairs to upstairs to downstairs a lot here.There is literally nowhere else in antioch to party. It's a little ghetto but i like me some ghetto sometimes. Never seen a fight there and I've been about 4 or 5 times.

    I'll be honest about the crowd and tell you that from what I've seen they're not the classiest people (besides me, lol) and you probably don't want to go here if you're looking for a quality place to meet people.

    But if you're already with your friends, and want to go have a great time, like i did, it's a very awesome alternative to going to the city and having to figure out how you're gonna get home after. There are almost always drink specials at the door where you get a free shot with cover. I don't think I've ever paid cover there though, there is usually a way for ladies to get out of it. Whenever I've ordered drinks there they are pretty strong. They have a smoking area out back (a must for me) and security doesn't seem all full of themselves like some of the places you'd go a little more west.

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    Music is loud at times but this is one of the best bars in Antioch, hands down. All the bartenders are awesome! Cheers to Alex and Katie!

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    I really like going here to see shows, like how its set up and the decor, but I don't care for the rap stuff in the "Bassment". But I can deal with that to see local bands play :)

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    This place was awful. The drinks were weak, and way over priced. A fight broke out because some 'regulars' thought they ran the place and could be rude to anyone they wanted. One of the regulars hit on me and when I told him I had a bf he made rude comments. The guy I think was the owner was a total asshole. Never never never going back. Don't waste your time with this place.

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    Hardcore dive bar. Feels like home, just with better beer.

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    Update!! Cynthia is the best bartender EVER, Tom is awesome and Derrick makes some killer food. Mutiny ftw!!

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    Maybe some people like bloody horror movies.  I am not one of them. So an excursion to this place to go hear a friend's band was ruined for me by the relentless disgusting imagery of a slasher movie on the bar's multiple TV screens.  There was no escape for the film's many victims or for me.  I walked all around the pub only to be confronted at every angle by nonstop scenes of young women being disemboweled while they cried and their blood spattered. Not funny. The lone bartender was overworked and the cocktails were served in small plastic cups. Although the diverse crowd was amiable and parking was plentiful, I will not go back.

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    Why didn't I know of this place sooner! This is my new favorite bar!

    Great food, cheap drinks, open mic night.... freakin sweet. Good crowd when I was there, very chill relaxed people.

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    I go here all the time. No complaints. It's a place where you can go and know almost everyone.

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    Went here to see a friend play a set one evening.
    The staff/bartenders are nice and the drinks and food are cheap, I just don't really care for the crowd.
    I would only go there again to support friends who are playing there.

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    The bartenders are polite and friendly, the food is good. And they are really creative about their events.  I find it a very fun place to hang out.

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    Not my favorite place but let me explain.

    The bar tenders are excellent. Always friendly and provide great service quickly. The people who go there aren't always so great. It's frustrated moving around between the "club" downstairs and the rock venue upstairs. Downstairs the dudes always look grubby and think they can grab at anything that walks by. It gets really hot downstairs too. Very small space. The upstairs is either dead or packed completely full on the weekends making it either really lame or very hard to move around. You can't take your drinks outside when you smoke and you can only smoke out back on the patio thing, which gets full very quickly. On a handful of occasions I have had an overpriced full drink snagged when I went out for a smoke. There is very limited seating out side. The crowd that goes there isn't always so great but the staff is fantastic. The bouncers are very friendly and nice and like I said before the bar tenders a great.

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    Good down town place. Staff is friendly and drinks are good. Only con would be the music is so loud you can't hear yourself think. But a great looking bar.

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    Not many positives to say about this place. Drinks are ok and I don't know if I was buzzing to hard but the food tasted pretty good and was at a good price.

    Review is about the same as everyone else the place is small and hot. 84 degrees to be exact. Yes I checked the thermostat.

    Thursday's karaoke was ok until they started charging $5 to go downstairs. WTF is that all about? Even better at 1 am the staff is walking around telling everyone that it's free to go downstairs now. Really? The last 20 mins are free?

    The violence has really toned down over the last few months. In my past visits I have seen 2 girls and a guy fight, a girl get pepper sprayed on the dance floor, and a group of guys almost kill a man. I didn't see but did have a friend who was slipped something in her drink as well.

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    Not a bad little place.

    The last time I was here, was when it was previously Wallace Arms, which was kind of a cool little place, in sort of a cheap dive place kind of way.

    I came here recently with my friend for a drink.

    The place remains the same with that old-trashy, kind of grungy punk atmosphere thing going on, thats actually kinda cool.

    I had a few lemon drops for only 4 buckaroos and they were pretty damn good and the bartender was quite a sweetheart as well.

    Would not be a regular spot for me though, I would not mind coming back again.

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    Mutiny is hit or miss. More like miss, miss, miss, hit, miss. Don't get me wrong, Mutiny could be described as "better" than most Antioch bars. The problem being I would rather perform my own appendectomy with a gardening spade than go to an Antioch bar. (18th hole, legends, cruiser's whatever they are calling it now) Anywho I can outline the good and the bad.

    * Mitch is awesome, and some of the other bartenders are ok.
    * Better, faster service than Wallace Arms for sure. (Not saying much)
    * Location - Right by the water.
    * Not terribly over-priced drinks.

    * Cover charges for cover bands? The stage is also right by the bar and although I like metal etc., I prefer not lugging my megaphone around to speak to someone right next to me.
    * Every day is Halloween here. Seriously adults, October 31 should be the only day you should be wearing a greaser / mechanic / costume. BTW Greasers should have dirty fingernails shouldn't they?
    * Plethora of fat stuck up girls in payless (fuck me) shoes and cheap hair color that think they are Christie Turlington.
    * Unapologetic shoulder bumping, tapout wearing, mean mugging, taurus driving, individuals.
    * Can't drink outside.
    * Downstairs: Metal upstairs rap downstairs - Good combo (sarcasm). I don't mind a dance floor/DJ but the designer impostor colognes and perfume don't cover the smell closely resembling Rhinoceros sweat and excrement. (Crude description but accurate)
    * Bathroom is terrible, I'll save you the details.
    * Security lets you know it is last call by placing a megaphone to your ear drum and screaming at you. Not literally, but close to it.

    That is all I can think of now. I would like to say again that I have had a great time here before (really drunk I guess) and Mitch is awesome, and I think the owners try. But, Antioch's finest will not now or ever allow for a cool bar to open up without normal people having a feeling of uneasiness to overcome their senses, regardless of high levels of alcohol consumption.

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    Wednesday night is  the best night of the week and Mitch is the best bartender in the world. That's all I got to say about that.

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    I went to this place because a club promoter invited me.  A quick breakdown of the good and bad.
    1) Lots of available parking (After partying in SF, you will appreciate this).  
    2) If you don't like places with dress codes or don't wanna dress up, this place is for you.  
    3)  The crowd is usually people who want to listen to start-up bands or Rap groups, moderatly into top 40 music.  
    4) Only $5 to get in before 10:30pm.

    1)  The ladies didn't look good on average when I went.  From 1 to 10, the ladies got a 4 for that night.
    2)  No dress code equals half of the crowd looking like bums that night.

    Overall a decent local spot to party, but not somewhere I would go for New Years Eve.

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    I only went to this bar to see my friend's band play.  I liked the set up of the place, however I never made it downstairs.  I liked that they have an outdoor patio, but you can't drink out there - just smoke.  There was plenty of parking, and it wasn't hard to find.  The bartenders were pretty nice, and they made good Washington Apples.  They let me run a tab which was nice.  The worst thing about the place, and the reason I probably won't go back:  the bouncers were jerks!  I know you have to be "tough" to be a bouncer, but you don't have to be a jerk to be tough.  I arrived well before the cover charge was in place, and when I came back inside after hanging out with the smokers IN FRONT OF THE DOOR, the doorman-guy tried to charge me.  Sheesh!  So what I'm saying is the place isn't bad, and I'm sure lots of people have a great time there, but I won't be going back anytime soon.

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    Cheap drinks. Good food. Try the spicy chicken wrap! Open mic night is great (I think it's Wednesday nights..). Also, downstairs with DJ Flip is off-the-hook- Mutiny makes it easy to have a good time in downtown Antioch --when you don't feel like driving to WC or SF, but still want to party - this is where its at.

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    Wednesday nights are great because they have Open Mic Night hosted by the ever-so-gorgeous Ben Benkert!!

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