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    *please read my previous review now since this is an update*

    I just came back from a night at New Spot on XMAS eve with G, J, and M. It was a little bit better than the last time. But definitely not enough to get a bump to 3 stars.

    We ordered:
    1) a cappuccino
    2) 2 bottled beers
    3) apple martini: a little weak
    4) 3 pitchers of Coors Light: a little watery
    5) order of fries: is what it is...
    6) fried chicken wings and drumsticks: it was OK. It was only tasty because it was fried and reminded me of 4C breadcrumbs.

    The bill came out to like 90 which was OK i guess. I believe some of the pitchers and food were "service," aka free, because we had ordered so much and my friend knew the guys working there.

    It was an OK time i suppose. Still kinda blah though...

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