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    This is probably the best non-chain pizza joint in the area that's open on Sundays.  Keep in mind that's not saying much, because most good pizza places here are closed on Sundays.

    It's a small step above a Domino's pizza - very small.  For a sausage pie they even use the same deer-dropping sausage bits that Domino's uses (apparently).  Gross.

    On the plus side, the guy did have a football game on the little TV.  On the minus side, he was so into it that when he cut our pie into 8 slices, some of them were gigantic and others were tiny.

    On a weekday there's no way I come here.  Even on a Sunday, I may have to seek out something better in the area.  Feel free to shoot me a message if you know of one!

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    At the suggestion of my boss, I tried Nunzio's and opted for the Philly Cheesesteak with mushrooms and onions.

    In short, I liked it. I had enough to bring home for a second meal. Also ordered four garlic knots, which were decent, though not the best I've had. Total came out to be $10 more or less.

    They also have a Wednesday family special that sounds like a pretty good deal: spaghetti for four, 8 meatballs, 12 garlic knots, and 2 liter soda for $19.99.

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    good local hometown italian place.  mostly takeout, pizza is a 7.5 on a 1-10 - sandwiches are good. typical good italian food

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    Its the crust.... every time I bite into the pizza there is the soft, definite crunch that comes with a perfectly prepared pie.  I have never been even a little unhappy with them.

    The ricotta pizzas are bomb, and everyone that works there is super nice. The guy with the tattoo on his neck, the owners son? owner?, he is always there and always helpful. I'm always in and out with a hot yummy pizza.

    Keep it up Nunzios, and thanks for being only a block from my house. You are going to make me fat.

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    Plain cheese pizza is mediocre compared to nearby pizzeria.  You really have to take advantage of it while still hot otherwise, it's not good at all.  Don't know if they changed people or recipe but I remember it being better a couple of years before.  They have gone through a much needed renovation although the place remains small.  Today though at around 2:45pm while waiting for a large plain pizza, I took the liberty of trying one of their pignoli cookies and when paying for the pizza, the bald man in red shirt reprimanded me, "..those are just not for free," indicating the cookies.  "so, I'll pay for it," I told him.  Then he yelled out to a co-worker, "Hey, how, do you charge fifty cents in this thing?"  The guy with some cool tattoo on his neck quietly helped him.  Then the bald guy asked me, "Do you want a receipt?"  Hell yeah, you might accuse me of not paying for your puny stale pignoli cookie, Mr. Manners.  I think I'll stick to those frozen gourmet pizza sold in Trader Joe's.  Believe it or not, they taste way better.  Unlike in Nunzio today, service in TJ's is always awesome.

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    You really can't go wrong here, this is solid New Jersey pizza.

    The pizza at Nunzio's is Jersey-quality and makes for a great take out dinner. The crust is thin, the cheese is thick and just a bit greasy, and the sauce is nice and sweet. If you like NY style pies then this place will satisfy and their delivery is quick to boot. I only gave them 4 stars instead of 5 b/c they're good, but not particularly stand out.

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    Decent pie. nothing to get excited about.

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    It's alright, stopped here for a slice.

    Price was okay, the soda was good.  ROot beer something....

    Im not going over the mountain for it but was okay.

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    This is by far my favorite pizza in the world.

    It helps that they are my hometown pizza, but it is flavorful, rich, savory, cheesy melty delicious Neapolitan pizza.

    When other places try, their crusts are too thin, too crispy, or too mammoth.   Their sauces are too sweet or two bland.  They are over or under spiced.  But this pizza is great.

    Their dinner plates and sandwiches are great too.

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