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    Pretty good pizza, but beware of the sizes if ordering by phone: Medium, Large, Extra Large, and Jumbo.

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    One of the better pizzarias I've been to. The staff is friendly and the prices are reasonable considering that the slices are huge. I'm a big fan of the hawaiian and the mushroom slices.

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    Pizza is pretty good but there have been times that the staff was just rude...from the person taking the order to the delivery person. I really like their pizza though and they don't give you too much of a hard time if you substitute toppings. Wings are good as are the potato wedges!

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    Good tasting pizza and good value.  Recommended if you have a football party with a lot of beer!

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    Best in Tenafly handsdown.  Staff is mostly nice.

    Their slices are huge, they usually cut them in half to make it more manageable.  They have a great selection of pizzas (different combo toppings [e.g. bbq chicken, veggie, meat trio]) and they always make my fav if I ask for it (it's a secret ;-) )

    Good pizza, good people, reasonable prices.  If you're in the area, check it out.

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    Pizza Nova pizza is pretty good for a local shop and much better than the national chains. I give them 8 out of 10.

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    BF likes the BBQ chicken and I like the pizza margherita. Usually busy with school kids when we go.

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