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    Just went there on Sunday (1/13/13) for lunch with a friend and was pleasantly surprised! Waitress rec' the chicken and it was perfectly cooked & seasoned. Their homemade aji (hot sauce) has the perfect amount of lingering spiciness that made the chicken even better. Try their Chicha Morada- it's a purple drink with tons of flavor.
    By the end of our meal, the majority of the restaurant had filled up, mainly consisting of Latino orgin. If they eat it, you know it must be good!

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    I was NOT greeted when I walked in, the waitress didn't know the menu, they didn't have white rice (green rice only that night), waitress never asked "So how is everything", rice was undercooked, I waited about 45 minutes after I finished my last bite to receive my bill, and to finish the evening 2 call girls walked in when I was leaving. On good note the chicken was really good.

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