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    Can we say busy busy busy?  And I am not even mentioning the poor setup of this place!

    I love their sandwiches for lunch, but this location is always one of the busiest.  I try to avoid it, if I can.  You never know where the line exactly is, or you have to crawl over people to get there.  It is a bit confusing during the lunch rush.

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    The 2 stars is only for the price/value for the sandwiches here. The service has been good here most days but do recommend you get here by 11:30am for lunch if your on a tight schedule at work. It seems that their Corporate office has decided to make sandwiches smaller throughout the chain and no one will notice... I noticed.

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    skimpy sandwiches with minimal ingredients.  no thanks - would rather get freshii or protein bar but its too far

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    I walk past here every day and have been doing so for a year and a half, and I finally stopped in to grab a breakfast sandwich. I wasn't terribly impressed and I'm not sure I'll be back. I know b-fast isn't their specialty, but the bread was pretty dry, the sandwich was lackluster, and there were very limited b-fast beverages. (Hot coffee or bottled orange juice. I guess it could be worse...).

    The employees here were friendly and fast. The food just wasn't that great.

    $3 and change for a breakfast sammy isn't bad, but I'm not sure the taste of it will lure me back.

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    I totally dig this Potbelly's for several reasons:

    1. Amazing outdoor seating.  Gets tons of sunlight.
    2. They're not skimpy on the toppings.
    3. Friendly and efficient staff.
    4. Great selection of drinks and treats.
    5. The long-haired hippie dude that sings awesome jams.

    There is another Potbelly's just one building away from my work but my friends and I make the trek across the river to this location because it is superior in almost every way.  We come here almost weekly.  Big fan.

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    "I would like The Wreck salad with absolutely no cheese on it".

    I make this statement at least 6 times while I'm speaking to the various counter workers.  Today was no different.

    When I was handed my salad, there was blue cheese on it.  All over it.  I LOATHE blue cheese.  I said to the worker "there's cheese on it, and I asked at least 5 times for no cheese on this".  

    The next comment said to me was brilliant:

    "Oh, I thought when you said no cheese, you just meant the swiss cheese"


    "absolutely no" = just one of them (to this Potbelly location)

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    When all else fails.......Potbelly is always my GO-TO for fresh warm sandwiches and tasty milshakes, cookies and everything else they sale


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    I'm a Jimmy John's girl, but there are several Potbelly's closer to my office so I do switch it up.  This is my favorite one.

    Potbelly's is good, and who doesn't love the oatmeal chocolate chip cookies?

    This location is great - the staff is awesome, and the musician they have during the lunch rush is really good as well.

    They have tables outside on Riverside Plaza, which I am looking forward to when it finally warms up.

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