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    Good place to go with friends to have a little fun and excitement.  A group of us decided to come here to end the evening on a Saturday.  At $20 to get in on a Saturday night I would say they are on par with some of the other clubs for cover.  

    It is a BYOB establishment, which in Texas, also means that it is a full nude venue.  There are plenty of liquor and beer stores in the area so if you're going as a last minute decision you can find some alcohol.  They do have a double pole setup on the main stage which means two girls are always dancing up front and two or three side stages. The women here are for the most part beautiful women, but that's just my perspective.  They aren't to pushy about being business only either.  They do hang out and chat before hitting you up for the private dance.  The club has private "cabanas" as they call them on one side and the VIP area on the other side of the club.  

    They did you one thing that bothered me though and that was make a copy of my credit card when I payed for cover.  So far nothing else has been charged besides my cover so it was OK.  Just remember to get all your cash before you get there.

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    Overpriced service/condiments/sodas and cover... this club is BYOB and nude! Shady employees and money hungry dancers there. Dont be misinformed- State law: 'No touching' for nude lap dances! Area strip bars which close at 2am have more dancers and offer more for your money such as Mens Club, Baby Dolls and Silver City.

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    With it being BYOB and with how much competition there is in the area, I wasn't expecting much, but this place is top notch. Beautiful women, great management and INCREDIBLE VIP. They really take care of you here. Seriously, in Texas when you hear BYOB, you expect bullet wounds and stretch marks. I was very surprised.

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    So, I don't frequent strip clubs, but after my friend's wedding two years ago, one of the groomsmen suggested they take me for the first time. This was my first of very few strip club experiences. The place is really quite trashy. It carries the vibe of a watered down players' club and the women are not that great. Of course, I am not a strip club connoisseur in any way shape or form, but this place just gave off a really trashy vibe. The place is BYOB which was pretty nice and convenient.

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    Dangerous. A few pointers for y'all...

    After everything else closes, the "adult" bars are the only way to go it seems. A few of us - relatively new to the city - were given a few names, from Millionaires to this place, Jaguars. All of the venues seem to be a stretch out of the city proper, about 10 miles or $25 in a taxi.

    Ok, as strip bars go this is pretty laid back, the reason why we chose it. But before we even entered we were "befriended" by a skinny white employee called Luke. He gave us an hourly rate for a VIP booth ($150) and promised the earth - including a full bottle of alcohol which is the holy grail after 2am in Dallas. We submitted, and then checked the tab later to find he had charged us until close - 3 hours, over $500. We asked for and checked the tab when we were given a baby bottle of vodka - then Luke suggested we pay him an extra $80 to get a larger bottle. Ok, now we knew that we were being played.

    Anyway, long story short - we shouldn't have really followed the party this far. A complaint to the manager was dismissed, and then we got serious and ended up negotiating a deal with the GM, Rob. Easy enough. We left happyish.

    Bottom line. This is a lap dance joint that WILL rip you off if you give them the opportunity. VIP is a waste of time - the girls will add $5 to your lapdance if you want to go VIP anyway, so why waste $150 per hour on a booth that gets you a bad view?

    You'll pay $30 per lap dance (touching ok) in VIP or $20 on the main floor (hands in pockets). Water is $5, ice is $1 and EVERYTHING is set-up to relieve you of cash.

    If you go, go because you like this kind of joint (I don't) and you are prepared to spend $$$. Taxis are plentiful and waiting outside

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    Love the ladies, great dances ranging from $20-$100 (depending on where you sit). Don't like the "California-style" double pole stage though, or the "side stages", but that's a California thing too, I notice.

    Management is pretty cool, and they seem chill unless you are really getting out of line. This is another bring your own liquor bar, and the soft drinks are a little outrageous, but you can't bring that! This place is also an optional nude club that turns into a dance club after hours.

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