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    This show was AMAZING!!!! Totally worth the hour wait! We happened to go on a night when Miss Dina Martina was co-hosting. The banter between Ryan and Dina was hysterical! All of the acts are great - even the horrible ones. Penny Champayne was gorgeous and did a FABULOUS version of "Hot Child in the City". Go see this show - You can't help but have a good time!! *TIP* If you're in the front half of the audience anywhere near the stage, leave your seat before Olive Another starts singing. Just trust me.

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    Worth the lining up and waiting!  A variety show- some good talent, some talentless, but entertaining anyway.  It's an hour and a half or so, but you should definitely go.

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    "Maybe the craziest show you will ever see"

    Ryan's weekly talent or no talent show draws capacity crowds who line up at least 45 to 60 minutes outside prior to the show to wait and drink for an hour inside before the show begins. Each week different performers vie for the $500 cash prize; some are surprisingly good while others are just dreadful. You just never know which is the fun part add that to Ryan's song parodies of whatever happens to be the "event" of the week and you have a most riotous evening on your hands.

    Also, because there are no other shows on Monday evenings many of the professional performers in town will join Ryan and give a little number from their current show now playing in town. You get a little preview so to speak if which show or shows you may want to see later in the week.

    All in all the most bizarre evening of entertainment in Ptown.
    (June 30, 2008 Monday)

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