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    That this place even has cover is laughable, notwithstanding the ridiculous and sexist notion that men should have to pay more. As if the place were shoulder-to-shoulder with Maxim supermodels or something. Give me a break.

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    Charging more for cover for men is sexist. I am mad I have to pay more to get into a bar that is twenty percent capacity and they tell me it is justified by "two dollar anything." I get to the bar and order a Redbull and vodka, they ask for four dollars. What a rip, no wonder their dead.

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    Saints Pub is a standard sports bar with a little swagger that amps it up to more than just A-OK. Complete with standard oak furnishings, high top tables and terrible acoustics, Saints isn't the place you would take your first date, unless you didn't want to talk to her, or you both enjoy yelling...or sports...or something peculiar like that.

    But if you're a star football/baseball/any-sort-of-ball player, and you've got a hefty entourage scrambling after you, Saints has the perfect off-shoot, semi-private room to accomodate your lovable groupies...and the staff will gladly swing together a few high top tables near the enclave such that you may lounge on a leather-ish sofa, eat properly and imbibe in whatever beer/wine/cheap well drink you choose.

    Of noteworthy importance, the bartenders and waitstaff scurry around like frantic birds, collecting orders, dishes and numerous requests from patrons. Though the kitchen staff seems to lag a bit, the standard bar fare is delicious - and there's no judgment to ordering sweet potato fries (and maybe a couple more orders of the same) and a side of just queso to quell your grumbling stomach.

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    It is a bar/nightclub more for the younger crowd than a restaurant. Typical bar food, nothing extraordinary. We ordered an appetizer which never came, we mentioned it to the waitress then we got the appetizer after we had already received our meals. A couple of the meals came out cold.  It was so loud in there we could hardly talk to one other without yelling across the table. We miss the place that used to occupy this space.

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    This place has a really fun atmosphere; a great place day or night to grab a group of friends and relax. The food is pretty good and drink specials are usually decent. Do not, I repeat do not, order the buffalo wings. Do, however, order a Long Island and on a cool night hangout on the patio by one of their fire pits!

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    Well, they've changed their policy about wine again.  They went from half price glasses twice a week, to half price glasses once a week, to no discounts on wine at all.  Now they are back with half price bottles twice a week and an extended wine list including better choices than are on their regular menu.  The discounts on wine are on Fridays and Saturdays.  I'll be there on one of those nights each week, so long as they continue those discounts.  Also they have live entertainment on those evenings.  On Friday, it starts at 6 pm.  On Saturday it starts earlier, with breaks.  After 6 pm until 9 pm, there is always entertainment on either night.

    Although the wine list and discounts are mostly good, there are some really weird listings.  For example, the Kendall Jackson chardonnay is crazy priced at about twice what any other restaurant on this planet charges.  If you stick to the moderately priced wines here, you'll do fine, especially on Fridays and Saturday.  But avoid any high priced wine bottles at Saints.  They aren't worth the prices.  If you want to pay big bucks for a bottle of wine, go to a restaurant where you'll get a fine bottle worth that kind of money.

    In short, don't believe that you will "get what you pay for" here from the wine list.  You might get an average bottle of wine for a wildly inflated price.

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    They brought the wrong food,  the salad was a child size, and the bill was wrong. This might be a good place to get a drink but not food, not today.

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    2.5 stars.

    There's nothing really explicitly wrong with Saint's. It's a sports bar. People go there to watch games and have a beer. And you certainly can...there are so many TVs I swear they could induce seizures. The seating area is odd, scattered bar tables and only a few booths lining the walls. It's clearly designed for people who want to eat their meal while staring at a screen. Perhaps this is why I have a disinclination towards Saint's - sure, it's a sport's bar atmosphere, but the atmosphere itself almost seems dead...

    The food is ok..again, it's a sport's bar so I'm not setting the bar high. The mushroom and swiss burger was satisfying even if it was on the plain side. Unfortunately the fries were pretty disastrous - cold, limp, and dry. Big no-no for a place that caters to customers who are taking advantage of the many drink specials they offer (this is a plus).

    Overall I left Saint's fairly disinterested. For a sport's bar I'd rather drive down the road to 23rd Street Brewery where you'll be able to chill comfortably in your own booth without being blinded by LED screens coming from every direction.

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    Went there to celebrate daughters 21st birthday. Service was slow. Took 1hour 20 minutes to get food that came out dry and tasteless. Had to flag down waiter to ask for silverware, drinks and water refills. We weren't looking for awesome. Just average food and a fun atmosphere...we got neither.

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    I had high hopes after visiting the website - I expected a great beer selection and good food, based on what I had read. We went on a Saturday afternoon and it wasn't busy at all. The beer selection is totally disappointing and no better than any chain restaurant. For a place that replaced an Old Chicago, I expected more than the basics.

    Our queso appetizer came quickly, because I'm sure it's easy to scoop into a bowl. The portion sizes were really small for the price. I ordered a club sandwich with garlic fries and they had minced whole, raw garlic cloves over the top of the fries. Who wants to bite into a raw garlic clove? My boyfriend ordered the Mac and Cheese and it was luke-warm when it arrived and tasted like they had opened a box of Kraft shells and cheese. Overall, the portion sizes were small, the food was mediocre, and it was all overpriced.

    The waitress forgot to get me a glass of water that I asked for when we arrived and remembered right as our food came. I never once got the impression that the staff really cared about taking care of you - everyone from the hostess to the bus boy seemed to move in slow-motion.

    They have some great drink specials and that is probably all I would go there to do. I definitely won't be back for food, when I could go to Free State, 23rd St Brewery, or Johnny's West for way better food and service for the same price.

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    Listen, you are better off going next door to Chili's than you are eating at this place. I understand the appeal, it has a nice atmosphere, a lot of TV's, and a swanky patio with some fire pits, but wow, the food was pretty much awful and I think half the waitstaff had never even been in a restaurant before, let alone worked in one.

    We sat down and attempted to order chips and queso. Of course, they were "out"... on a Saturday evening none the less. So we opted for the spinach and artichoke dip. Mistake. While the dip did come with pita bread :) the dip itself was a joke. It had the consistency of water and the color was so artificial I was almost scared to eat it. It was a runny seafoam green mess with a few tomatoes on top and a couple bits of spinach. I never saw an artichoke. When the waitress brought this dip out I laughed. Seriously, it was terrible. Do not order it.

    For my meal I got the pork tacos... which were okay. For 10 dollars I got 2 tacos and a bunch of chips on the side. How about some rice and beans people? Now there's an idea! You are better off going to chipotle and getting 3 tacos for about 7 bucks that will blow your socks off.

    My date (I use that term loosely), ordered the sliders as his meal. Hahaha, I laughed at these too! Usually a slider is just a mini-burger patty, so cute and tasty. To make these sliders, they took a normal burger patty and cut it into 4 triangle pieces. Not to mention they were well-well-done. It was just silly at this point.

    And the waitress, I mean... she was a nice girl. Don't get me wrong, I understand it's hard to be a waitress in this economy but c'mon girl. After I ordered my beer she looked at me like I was speaking a foreign language and then repeated my order to me like 3 times. She did an okay job but it was like interacting with a 4 year old.  

    You should pretty much only go here if you are wanting to pound some brewskis by a lovely fire pit.

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    Like another reviewer said previously, I want to like this place so bad! I love that Saint's is a nice establishment in Lawrence that offers a variety of seating and huge screens for basketball season. I also really like that they aren't bumping ridiculous hip hop music all the time - mostly it's classic rock before the late hours. Now when we get into the performance of the employees, that's when things seriously decline. I have yet to meet more than one staff member who acts like they give a shit about you and your experience within the restaurant. The first time I went there I tried a strawberry mixed drink that tasted like Robitussin cough syrup. My waitress ignored the fact that I had a full glass that I hadn't touched, ice melted, and asked my friends about ordering new drinks. When we asked for our tabs a couple hours later, she finally acknowledged my now-room-temp drink and asked if it was ok. Um... Clearly it wasn't. She just shrugged. I didn't tip her. Second time I went, my friend and I felt like we were being ignored for a table of bachelors nearby and checked on rarely. So what I'm getting to is.. The place is really pretty. Very classy, even. The staff sucks. Oh, and I love the Sex and Saints fishbowl. It reminds me of my childhood via summertime and Flavor Ice popsicles.

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    This restaurant is a nightmare.  We had decided to visit Saints Pub on a Saturday evening with a medium sized group, about 10 or so.  Once we had arrived, we were able to order drinks easily enough and proceeded to order food.  That food would arrive about an hour and a half later.  What should take at most 20 minutes instead took 90.  Having worked in food service myself, I can understand being slammed with customers or being understaffed.  I can recognize that the staff present were trying their best to do their job.  The real issue is that the restaurant had no one present  that could make any sort of decision on how to handle the problem.  We tried to raise the issue with the manager on duty, but apparently this person is completely unable to offer anything besides excuses and pleas for our sympathy for his situation.  The only thing he was able to do was call the owners and inform them of the situation, to which they authorized him to offer us appetizer coupons.  Do they really think we would return to this restaurant to use these coupons?  This is no way to treat customers or to run a business.  I would even go so far as to say that's no way to treat your employees.  Everyone from staff to customers would do well to avoid this restaurant, or any other restaurant run by these owners.  

    One final thought, when we did finally receive our food, it was bland and careless.  Even had the food arrived within a reasonable amount of time, it would have been overpriced.  There's too many other restaurants in Lawrence that offer better food at a better price and within our lifetime.  I hope someone else will come along once this location fails and do something worthwhile with the space.

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    I really wanted to like this place.  I had been to the Lenexa Saints location a couple of times (apparently both times were before the establishment had taken a turn for the worst, as noted in the yelp reviews and recent shootings at the Lenexa location).  With several TVs and a nice patio it definitely showed potential.  The upside of the establishment ends there unfortunately, and I am leaving a 1 star review only because 0 is not an option.  The food is borderline decent, but don't expect to get it soon after you order.  We ordered when it was daylight and did not receive anything until it was pitch black outside.  An hour after ordering one of the bus boys came by to inform us that "the kitchen was getting their a***s pounded" in what was a very awkward moment that I had never encountered eating at a restaurant before.  We ordered our food well before it became moderately busy in the restaurant and people ordering after us began receiving their food.  Apparently ordering some of the more exotic items off the menu such as the hamburger and the wedge salad take time to prepare because it took over an hour and a half to receive our food.  The waitress was not helped out by her incompetent management staff and did not have the simple authority bestowed upon almost every waiter at almost every single restaurant to help rectify the situation and possibly help salvage any intentions of me ever stepping foot in there again.  Although the waitress did not have the authority, one would assume that the manager could make the call.  However, it turned out that the bus boy was the manager (the one that eloquently stated the "kitchen a** pounding"), and did not have any authority to make any managerial decisions.  After making a 30 minute phone call to the owner the bus boy came back to offer free appetizer coupons for a return visit.  Basically worthless pieces of paper as I'm highly doubtful anyone will be returning after the customer service train wreck experienced that night.  Eat here at your own risk but I do not recommend it.  There are several other restaurants and bars in this town which makes skipping this place a no brainer.

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