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    I went for the Mayweather v Canelo fight. Place was about 80% dudes and out of the girls there, most of them were underage with fake ID (which is typical for a local spot.)

    Anyway, they got some cute girls working there and, despite it APPEARING like a ghetto ass spot, not one person acted up. Was chill the whole time.

    Really, my main complaint was the god damned DJ. It seems all my latino and black DJ's these days don't know how to shut the hell up. He played wack ass music, but even when he played GOOD music, he would talk over the damn song and/or cut it too soon, etc (typical of modern wanna-be DJ Clue & Funkmaster Flex's).

    When I go to a Latino or Caribbean spot, I go cuz I want great music and hopefully to come across a few big body gals (okay, well big in the back, not in the middle.)

    This place won't likely see me again.

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    I was in VIP so it was an okay night, but too much of an older crowd for me. Had I not been in VIP, I probably would've left for elsewhere.

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    I can't for the life of me understand why anybody can praise this place . First off Squadz was my absolute favourite place . After my very small City Hall wedding my husband and I took our 'wedding party' there that night (that's how much I liked it) I couldn't wait for them to reopen I was there the next week . First thing those curtains ? Really ? I figured what the heck I missed this place. We pored over our menus waited for wait staff pored over it twice more before a young lady finally came for our drink choices mind you with my party of three there were probably 10 others at the time . But the waitress congregation in the corner to the side of the bar was clearly more important . Drinks came . WATERED down . Food came shrimp OVER Cooked . My husband who is Jamaican ordered steamed fish . It was terrible . The one thing obvious was that these dishes were not prepared on order but heated up and brought out after some pressing the waitress admitted that although not in front of the manager. He offered to comp the meal . Now how can you possibly think that those low chairs no matter how nice was a good idea ?  The waitress bum is in either face while she bends slightly to take your order. How can you comfortably eat or drink while sitting on those ? When the place fills up its just ass in your face from the standing people . Before you could sit continue eating while others danced or just hung  out . NOT now . Every time you make an attempt to get up you have to fix to make sure your legs don't open up and display your lady parts . Nope . Too much effort . Second those stairs leading to VIP was something that warranted a change . It's NOT feasible for the club wear preferred by women these days . I've always prayed that no one invites me to a party up there the thought of climbing those stairs in a mini dress or skirt makes me break out in hives. It's a zero for me .

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    From what i see and hear spend your money at other Caribbean clubs, i like Temptations at least you get in and the music is great...   you get what you pay for and nothing is for free ...

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    The food& music was great but the service was lacking! I ordered two different side dishes and both times the order was not available.

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    Squads is cool they used to have a nice club vibe but i don't know what happened. After the place got renovated its like the atmosphere went too. Their food is pretty good and their drinks are good as well but they are not about that night club life like they once were..........

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    I too hadn't been to Squadz in years. I think the last time I was there was maybe 2008 for my Birthday with some friends. They renovated and it looks AMAZING. I went last night for a friend's birthday and apparently it is seafood night. You pay 15 at the door and get Lobster, crab, and shrimp with either rice or mashed potato with corn.... When I found out we were going to Squadz for this meal I wasn't thrilled but...It was REALLY good. I was pleasantly surprised and definitely will be going again with some friends. They really did a great job Kudos to the management...

    P.S. I didn't give them five stars because the Dj although not bad... wasn't that great. They have way too many Brooklyn DJs to have someone who needs a couple more classes in mixology... #ImJusSayin

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    I haven't been to Squadz in a couple of years, so when I visited the venue this wknd, I was impressed! They did some renovations and the place look real nice. It has a Miami feel to it. Much more spacious and the white leather furniture looks proper!
    I went for a party, so I can't comment on food or what its like in the day/evening time. Drinks were good and the music was on point!!
    The only thing is that the sound system needs to be tweaked a bit more. Need some more bassline. Not sure if they replaced the sound system or what, but they need to tweak it just a tad bit.

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    Save your money, go somewhere else.

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    I hav'nt yet gone there & was interested to see if anyone had any reviews....

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    I've been going here since this place was open (2007). Always had a good time here. The drinks are good especially the long ice teas and the music is great.

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    I went for a birthday party or two here. The food is good. However... getting the waitress to come back is very difficult.  Almost impossible!  Especially after they turn the place into a club/lounge/party.

    The security is pretty...uh, let's say... Tight!   It's a long process of being patted down to get inside. Somewhat jail like and a bit invasive!  Once inside everything is cool. Maybe some metal detectors would do the trick and speed up the process?!  Idk but I limit my visits.

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    GHETTO, but hey you never know you could meet your next Jamaican wife there.,
    Food was okay.

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    I loved squadz at first. I went in on a Saturday night for a party and ordered dinner. The food was great and so was the service. I went back a couple of weeks later on a Monday evening and it was an absolute nightmare! the waitress seemed to be day dreaming and drifting in her own world. The bartender was chatting away on his cell phone. And My cousin and I were the only customers in the restaurant. We should have took it as a sign and just left. However we decided to stay and that's when the fiasco began. The waitress brought out of entree's FIRST and just walked away. After a couple of minutes I motioned for her to come over so i could inform her of mistake. No apologies or explanations she snapped around and went to place the order on the micros and simply just sat back down, About 12 more minutes passed., I was trying to enjoy my meal when the waitress came with the appetizer and slammed it down on the table and then turn and walked away. By then my cousin was shocked and and stunned so was I but we decided to keep on eating and just get out of there. My cousin cut into her salmon and that was when she discovered something "non edible" in her salmon. Upon further examining we both agreed it was in fact human hair. We called the waitress over to show her the hair and she stood there with a look of disgust and then started to argue with my cousin about it being plastic not hair and insisted my cousin finished her dinner. Needless to say I was completely turned off and decided to just walk out of the establishment. My cousin stayed behind to tell the server a coupe of "choice words" and give her a brief description of customer service. But was not given an apology by the waitress or the manager. It was a horrible experience and I will never eat from there again! It's one thing to find something in your food, but to have the waitress argue with you over what it is AND insist you continue to eat it? is absolutely unacceptable!

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    Excellent food with a cool and hip crowd. The music is great with reggae, hip hop and R&B. It gets really crowded on the weekends but you wont be disappointed if you looking for some fun.

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    I've been going here for a while and seen the crowds grow & grow. This place bubbles on the weekends. My boy took me first for dinner and the food is very tasty!! I've been at least 5 times but recently went with my girlfriend and her aunts and cousins. They had a blast over there. The play nothing but that GOOD Classic Reggae Music with the New stuff mixed in nicely! Not too expensive depending on what you order, but you can take a date here or just chill with friends!

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    This restuarant/bar and grill is a hot spot fridays and saturday night. It's ladies night both days so all the ladies are free, and the food is delicious (west indian food). The drinks are a reasonable price and they musc is soo good you will be on your feet all night.

    If you just want a friday night spot to pass thru this is def the place, good food, drinks and music rolled into one.

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